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Jiraya smiled softly at her and placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.


“Yeah, and I’ll never stop finding you.” Naruto spoke softly, gently tipping her head up and pressing his lips to her softly.


Kaida gently ran her fingers through his hair, feeling herself start to doze now too. It really felt far too long since she rested next to him.

Shizune glanced at him. "I'm sorry.." She murmured. "I'll be more thoughtful next time." She murmured, offering him a small smile. "Should we head back?" She asked quietly.


Silver smiled softly and tenderly returned the kiss, then pulled back when she felt her chakra shift as a darker part of herself tried rising up with her at peace. She placed a hand over her blind eye and leaned against Naruto, recognizing the feeling.

She felt this before she started drowning in her own mind, but she was stronger now. She wasn't afraid. "I'm tired.." She murmured quietly, though her words were only half her own.


Shikamaru easily went from dozing, to soundly sleeping right there next to her, due to his own exhaustion.

Jiraya gave her a small smile. “Its alright, we’re all stressed right now.” He said and nodded his head. It would be best if they did. “Yeah, come on. We can discuss what to do next.” He offered.


Naruto frowned a bit as he watched her cover her eye and lean against him. “Anything I can do to help?” he asked softly. He didn’t know what she was feeling or going on in her, but he hoped there was something he could help her somehow.


Kaida found herself smiling when she noticed him sleeping and soon joined him, curled into him with her arms wrapped around him comfortably.

Shizune nodded in agreement and followed the Sage out of the forest.


Silver slowly closed her eyes and rested against him. "Come find me, my sage.." She murmured softly as she slipped into the darkness of her subconscious.

Naruto's eyes went wide at the murmur and carefully situated her on the bed as he held her. Remembering his training, he let out a breath, pressing their foreheads together and slipped into her subconscious. It was a strange feeling as a cool film coated his body as he tried finding Silver. “Silver?” he called.

Silver's darker part met Naruto in the dark space, making sure to make herself seem like the real one in every way, since she was a part of her after all. "How does it feel, being in my mind?" She asked curiously.

Naruto looked around the space as he looked at Silver. “Different…” he admitted. “Why is it so dark?” he asked curiously.

She glanced around, then at him. "I'm still working on finding a balance, and the darkness is still trying to smother the light." She said, wondering If she explained it right. "..and right now, the darkness is winning." She said quietly as she approached him, walking across the lake of water they were standing on.

Naruto tilted his head at that, and while it did seem possible, something felt off with that statement. “You would have told me if it was…” he stated simply. He knew Silver after all, and she rarely lied to him, especially about the darkness in her.

"Well, with everything else going on.. I just didn't want to worry you.." She said and draped her arms around him when she was close enough. "Last time, you were the light that brought me back to life from the outside, but this time, you can be here with me if She shows up.." She said softly.

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