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Jiraya didn’t say anything as he pulled the woman into his arms, then rested his head on top of hers. He didn’t have words for her at that moment as he just held her. They had known each other for what seemed like forever, but he never thought he’d hear those words come from her mouth.


Naruto nodded his head. “Yeah, tell me about it.” He chuckled a bit and looked up at the ceiling for a moment. So much had happened in the last while.

Kaida chuckled softly as she watched Silver handle the smallest in the group. “She’s the runt of the pack.” She spoke softly with a smile. The pups were always welcoming of people, a few headed over of Naruto to sniff him, sensing something odd about him, but knew he wasn’t dangerous due to the ease of everyone else.

Naruto chuckled when he saw the pups and scratched a couple of their heads, making sure to be gentle with them.

Tsunade sighed quietly and found herself leaning against him when she felt his arms around her, not having anything else to say.


Shikamaru chuckled then nudged him lightly. "How's she doing?" He asked quietly, referring to Silver as the girl interacted with the runt of the pups.

Silver smiled as Kaida spoke, and lightly pet her head as the pup stared up at her with it's tail wagging. She felt something, though..  It was like the pup was looking right into her. Then the pup started to lick her hand. She

Jiraya closed his eyes, resting his head on top of hers. “I’m not going anywhere, you know… nowhere dangerous at least… you made sure I returned to you though…” he murmured quietly to her. He wasn’t stupid, he knew.


Naruto looked over at Silver before running a hand through his hair. “Its… complicated right now…” he spoke quietly, not knowing how much the two of them knew.

Kaida watched with a knowing smile as the pup interacted with her. “Seems like you’ve found a perfect match.” She murmured softly, knowing the look of a bonding pair.

Tsunade felt her heart twist with guilt when he spoke, knowing exactly what he meant. "I thought you'd both be coming back.." She murmured softly. "Kinimaru was heading out of the village for a mission of her own, and I asked her to follow you when she was finished.. You and Naruto tend to be reckless.." She murmured wearily, tears prickling her eyes. "I pray she's alive.." She murmured.

If she was the reason Silver was going through this, she really didn't have a right to watch over her.


Shikamaru nodded lightly and slowly stood. "Let's take a walk." He said, knowing Silver would be just fine right here with Kaida and the pups.

Silver blinked and smiled softly, slowly leaning down to rub noses with the black and white pup. "I'll call you, Reyna." She said softly, giggling as the pup licked her nose.
Jiraya tilted Tsunade’s head up, frowning at her. “Don’t. Don’t go there again.” He told her. “We’ll find that stubborn woman and bring her back. This is not your fault.” He told her firmly, not releasing her face as he stared into her eyes.


Naruto nodded his head and stood as well. “Hey, we’re gonna take a walk, pick up some ramen to eat.” Naruto told the girls before they left and gave Silver a grin. “You okay staying here till we get back?” he asked curiously, wanting to make sure she would be okay as he walked over to her, seeing the small pup in her lap.

Kaida smiled softly at the two. She noticed the boys get up and nodded when Naruto told them where they were going. Looking over at Shikamaru, she saw a familiar look in his eyes that told her they were talking about the girl across from her. “You guys have a good walk." She told them with a nod.

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