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Sakura blinked and her cheeks heated some, then she wrapped up the bento. "It's okay, I just wanted to check on you and talk.." She said, glancing at him. "I've realized how much I like you.. I'm sorry it took so long.." She said shyly, reaching and brushing his cheek with her thumb. "Do you still like me?" She asked softly as she leaned in a little as if to kiss him. She really didn't know how far the relationship between him and Silver went, since they didn't exactly broadcast it.

Silver was taking the path passing the training ground so she could check on naruto, after dropping off the groceries at the apartment. She paused when she saw Sakura and Naruto and pressed her lips together before turning and running in the opposite direction.


The woman smiled softly and thanked her before following her inside. "Would you mind if we spoke in private?" She asked, meaning no disrespect to her wolves by doing so.


Kin shook her head and waved her hand a little. "It wouldn't surprise me if you already knew but, I'll tell you this anyway- Pain has many bodies he can control, with powerful chakra. This is a suicide mission, even for you." She said.

Naruto's eyes went wide at her question and the moment she began leaning forward he freaked out, shuffling away from her. This was the last thing he expected. “W-what? What about Sasuke? Sakura, you love Sasuke!” he told her, wondering what was going on with her. “I used to have a crush on you, sure. But that was over two years ago! I’m with Silver!”


Kaida nodded her head. Her apartment was currently empty since the pack were at the den. “Of course… everyone is helping Rina take care of the pups.” She spoke softly, closing the door behind her, shifting a little.


Jiraya nodded as she spoke, smirking a bit. He as suspected as much, but the news about the bodies was new. “I see…” he murmured as he let out a sigh, looking towards the village. He knew there was a slim chance of survival, but he was somehow okay with that. “How’d you come up with this information?” he asked curiously. Wondering why the woman was also there.

Silver? Sakura blinked and lowered her eyes. "Sasuke's not here.." She murmured softly, feeling bad. She had noticed Silver run off and glanced at him again before slowly standing. "Just forget it.. I'm sorry for coming onto like that." She murmured softly, before starting to walk off to leave him be.

Silver didn't go to the apartment, she went to the house she shared with Kakashi and climbed up onto the roof, then sat down and hugged her knees. Hurt, and confused.


Yoshino nodded lightly and glanced at her. "Has something happened between you and Shikamaru?" She asked purely out of concern for them.


Kin smirked some and waved a finger, "I have my ways." She stated simply. "He's planning on heading to village, shouldn't you go and warn them? Tell them what I've told you, before you get yourself killed."

Naruto didn’t know why Sakura had done something like that, but he needed to find Silver. He didn’t know where would be and hoped it was at the apartment. He would start there, then everywhere else he could think of.


Kaida averted her eyes at the question, and motioned for her to sit at the kitchen table with her as she took a seat. As much as she wanted to say things were fine, she couldn’t lie to the woman. “I don’t remember doing this… I think I had a fever at the time…” she spoke quietly, knowing what she was doing was foolish. “I was told… that I admitted my feelings to Shika…”

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