Chapter 3 - The One When Phana Realises

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Phana's POV

Fuck my life! I mean - What the actual fuck is wrong with me?

It's been over a week. Precisely 8 days and nearly 23 hours that Wayo Panitchayasawad has been back in my life. No scrap that. He's been standing in front of my fucking face and like the dick that I am, I've just continuously been the biggest jerk in the history of jerks to him.

Don't believe me? Here are the things I've done since our first encounter nearly 9 days ago.

1. I called him a spoilt brat when I saw that he'd used movers to bring his stuff and unpack for him in his dorm.

2. I told him he was too short and ugly to become this year's campus moon

3. I told him that only fags (what the hell was I thinking?!) drink pink milk

4. I told him to jump off of the building when he was talking to Forth on the roof

5. I suggested he was flirting with my friends and called him weird

6. I threatened to punch him AFTER I tormented him viciously by making him stay up to give Pring my notes

7. I asked him to take me out to eat sushi and then stood him up and took someone else when I got scared

I mean, seriously?! As if what I did a year ago isn't bad enough... I then make it a million times worse in the space of 8 short days.

Kit and Beam think that this situation is hilarious, especially given my reaction today when I finally got a clue but then they don't know half of what has gone on in the most recent past. Kit would probably live up to his name and claw my eyes out if he ever found out what I've done this time.

I'd actually like to offer up some small defence for myself but I can fully admit that I'm grasping at straws here.

When I first met Yo a week ago, I was incredibly attracted to him. I didn't recognise him as my Wayo but, the fact that I wanted this boy when the only person I'd ever even thought about was Wayo does say something about my loyalty to my man. I kind of wish that this loyalty manifested itself as being kind to Yo from the outset rather than being a bastard but... I did say it was small defence.

And, I have been getting better this last week. My attraction to him meant that I actually wanted to be nicer and get closer to him. I aced by test because he wanted me to. There was also the reward he promised for doing it but... Well, I sabotaged that myself so that doesn't count. I buy him pink milk now whenever I go near a drinks sell because I know it's his favourite. And I started doing that all on my own, not realising that he was MY Wayo.

But then today happened. I've never felt as stupid nor as blind as I did today.

There are some that call me a genius you know. The great Phana Kongthanin - everyone wants to be him or be with him or so they say. Not today they don't! Today, they want to laugh and point at him and tell him he's a dumbass for not seeing what was 3 feet in front of his face.

And the day started so well...

I don't know what I was feeling when Beam and I approached the moon and star training room this morning. Hope? Yeah, I was hopeful. Hopeful that I would see my new crush. He was a freshman moon for the faculty of science so by walking into this training room, unless some terrible accident had befallen him - he would be here practicing his dance routines.

In the last couple of days, we've been acting very civilly to each other unlike when we first met (I don't want to think about it - I'm face-palming so hard right now!) and we even bumped into each other last night and that was also a perfectly civil and charming encounter, besides the fact that if he'd been inside my head, he would have known how desperately I was crushing on him.

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