Chapter 14 - The One Where We Meet Forth

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Forth's POV

I really am too much of a nice guy. I don't see any other sophomore moons putting this much effort into looking after the freshmen after all. I mean, most of them turn up to moon and star practices and stuff, but it's always me busting my ass making sure everyone is where they're supposed to be, giving encouragement and helping to organise all of these crazy outings.

It's why I'm sitting in my room at our resort with two sophomore moons passed out to one side of me and my engineering junior passed out on the other. And I told that kid to stop drinking so that he can be at his best tomorrow... You see? I'm so nice even my junior doesn't listen to me.

Just as well that I can hold my drink. I've got this room to clean up, make these light weights comfortable, and get myself some sleep so that I can help out the seniors tomorrow.

Tonight was fun though. You've gotta let your hair down a little and I can certainly say we achieved that. Us moons from last year have made lifelong friendships... Well, I hope so at least and spending so much time with them during the last week just reminds me how crazy everyone is. I've actually missed these guys and we should get together more often.

Phana was missing tonight though. As much as he's part of the crazy med gang, he's probably the most sensible of all of us. I wonder where he ended up? I can't remember the last time he turned down drinking - especially when it was free. Also, his friends turned up too... Really rare that the three of them aren't together. After all, this is supposed to a trip for the freshmen moon and stars with last years participants helping out and yet, as expected, Phana dragged Kit and Beam along.

I'm not complaining. I'm happy enough spending time with the med students as I am with my own engineering crew. It's just a pity that I don't see them that much anymore. Their faculty is virtually on the other side of the campus to mine and even our dorms are far away from each other. They're also crazy busy all of the time. I don't envy the life of a medical student, especially when there is so much alcohol to be drinking and sex to be having. With all of the studying they do, they are seriously missing out...

After picking up yet another empty bottle, I note that the few of us that were in my room tonight certainly make short work of the alcohol on offer if the amount of empty bottles I'm putting in the trash is anything to go by.

If I'd just been out at a bar tonight drinking, the evening wouldn't have been complete without a partner to take to bed. Not going to happen tonight for obvious reasons - I'm not in the habit of being the subject of rumours and gossip and doing something whilst at this resort will definitely set tongues wagging, especially when it looks like I'm going to have three roommates tonight... And I definitely don't want to sleep with any of them. They're all drunk for a start and virtually comatose. I do like my my playmates to be conscious and alert which these three haven't been in over an hour.

Also, I'm pretty sure one has a girlfriend and the other is as straight as an arrow. 

Nong Ming surprises me though. I thought he was all about the ladies but he seems to be pursuing Kit. He traipsed around after the grumpy medical sophomore like a duckling chasing his mumma. I didn't think for one moment that Kit or Ming would bat for the same team but good luck to them. Looks like Ming is persistent at least, which I think he needs to be to crack the very hard nut that I suspect Kit will prove to be.

I sit on the edge of my bed and look around the much cleaner room, satisfied that I've had a good night. It's nearly 2am and we're supposed to have a reasonably early start in the morning so I'm gonna have a cigarette on the balcony before going to bed.

I find the packet in the pocket of my bag, cursing that I only have 3 left. I'll have to make a trip to the convenience store in the morning to get more - although, as I walk out into the warm and still night air, I do consider quitting... Again. I think about quitting smoking probably once a day but with the stress of the moon and stars pageant and drinking alcohol as I did tonight, that wasn't going to happen. Perhaps next week. When the moon and star thing is over... Then I might be able to give up.... But then, school starts so I'll probably be stressing over classes and labs. That's it. I'm destined to be a smoker forever.

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