Chapter 13 - The One Where Phana and Yo Have A Sleepover

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Phana's POV

I can't take it!

I don't think that staying in this room was a good idea... Maybe I should just go to Forth's room and drink with the others. Being in close proximity to him and sitting in silence is pushing me to the limits of my sanity.

Here we are - Yo and I sitting within about a metre of each other. I'm perched on the couch which will double as my bed. I've got my iPad in my hands but I have no idea what is being displayed on the screen. I look up at Yo very frequently, so much so that whenever my eyes go back to my the tablet, I have to wake it up again. The only reason I often look at him is because I can see that he is doing the same at me. As he is faced at 90 degrees to myself, when he wants to look at me, he actually has to turn his head slightly. If I wasn't paying quite so close attention, I would never have noticed it. But, it's Yo. Obviously, I see everything he does.

In the last few minutes however, his peeks at me have been more often and lingering longer. I wonder what he's thinking...

"What's the matter?" I ask, finally reaching the end of my short tether. "Am I bothering you?" Please say no, please say no!

He doesn't say anything but our eyes do finally meet after nearly 30 minutes of us both trying our hardest not to do just that.

"I can leave... If you want to sleep." I say. I swing my legs around so that my feet are now on the floor. I'll leave if he wants me to. Kit and Beam have a room set up in an identical manner as ours so they have a spare couch free if I need it.

"No. I'm ok." Yo finally speaks, enabling my thundering heart beat to slow. "How about you? Am I bothering you?"

I smile at him softly. "Don't be silly. We are sitting separately doing our own things, how can you be bothering me?"

He bows his head, getting closer to his Manga book in his hands but I know as well as he does that he hasn't read anything in ages because he's failed to turn a page for God knows how long. "I must be boring you... Sorry."

"What are you talking about? I'm not here for you to entertain me." I return to my now sleeping iPad again. I prod the screen and it wakes abruptly, the light illuminating my face.

I see Yo shift on the bed and put his book down beside him. He turns further towards me. "Sooo... What are you doing exactly? I can't see what you're looking at from here..."

"You know... This and that." I retort. The fact I haven't got further than my home screen is neither here nor there. Looking at him from my place on the couch has been much more interesting.

His eyes widen and he's on all fours balancing on the bed and leaning towards me. "Are you watching porn?" He asks incredulously.

If I'd have been drinking anything, I would have spat it out or choked on it at his question. After gulping down the saliva that is pooling in my mouth because of the thoughts of him underneath me again, I just look up at him. I don't know how the look appears to him. I'm hoping he can see annoyance because he asked such a ridiculous question, but quite honestly it could also show longing or desire because now he's put the idea in my head, I can't seem to shake it!

But, thankfully another thought pops into my head just the right time. Whilst tapping into a search engine, I answer him. "No. Not porn. Just reviewing sheet music suitable for a piano."

His eyes open even wider than before. "Do you also play the piano?" He asks leaning towards me further.

Me play the piano? I mangle music in every shape and form. I can kind of play the guitar but I think I'm tone deaf. That's what people tell me when I sing anyway. I think I'd even hit a triangle incorrectly. Definitely better left to those with more harmonic inclinations than me.

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