Chapter 26 - The One That Ends Book 1

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Phana's POV

"Fuck Kit! What was that for?"

I glared at my short, red-headed friend who still had his hand within a metre of the back of my head with his palm opened. The bastard had clapped me around the back of my head for no good reason and had the audacity to look pleased about it.

"You've been ignoring us for nearly 5 minutes and just grinning like a fucking fool!" He fumed.

I looked at Beam who shrugged whilst also fighting to keep his laughter in.

"He has a point, boss. You've just been smiling at the wall instead of talking to us. We both called you all sorts of names whilst you've been in a trance. What has got into you?" Beam asks cautiously.

"What? You're serious?" I looked between the two incredulously. "We've just spent the last ten minutes putting all of Yo's flowers in my car for phase one of our big night. I've been planning tonight for days but to make it even better, you heard it, right? Out there on stage? Yo's song! How can I be anything other than distracted because of that?" I'm waving my arms dramatically at my car, that I'm currently leaning against.

"He could have been confessing to some other guy..." Beam muttered under his breath.

Now it was my turn to smack someone on the back of the head. Hard.

"We get it! If you don't want to be here listening to us, just go! We've got better things to do than being ignored by you." Kit whines.

"Well, I know Beam does. Speaking of which... don't you have somewhere to be?" I posit at Beam.

"Yeah, yeah. Keep your perfectly coiffed hair on. The shop doesn't close until 10pm and it's a little after 8pm now. I've got plenty of time." He has brought up the website for the jewellery store that is holding Yo's bracelet on his phone and he shoves it in my face, proving that the shop does in fact close at 10pm.

"But what if there's traffic? I've got to have that bracelet tonight..." My voice betrays how anxious I am. I need to present the trinket to Yo when I ask him to be my boyfriend, and I can't wait any longer. Quite frankly, I think if I didn't do it today after his public confession, he'll probably tell me to jog on.

A group of girls files past our group and Beam's attention is diverted momentarily. I growl and Kit snickers.

"Do you want me to go instead, boss?" Kit asks.

"No! According to Ming, you have a date to keep." I answer. His smirk changes to a frown.

"Fucking buffalo!" He groans. "He's really gonna hold me to that?"

"Well, he told me to make sure you didn't leave so, yeah... I reckon he's gonna hold you to it."

With that Kit, looked like he was going to make a run for it, but I stepped in front of him to block his escape.

"C'mon, Kit. Ming's a good guy and he clearly likes you. Can't you give him a chance?" I tried to reason with him and to his credit, Kit looked up at me and nodded. "I think they'll be out soon. Just enjoy whatever it is the two of you are going to do tonight. He is the new campus moon after all..."

I notice a couple of this years competitors come out of the building and figure that I should find my boy as it'll be just my luck that he leaves without me and all of my carefully laid plans will have been wasted.

"Beam?" I shout over to the Casanova who is flirting outrageously. "I'm going now. But you remember the plan, right?"

Beam saunters back to us, "yeah, yeah. Pick up the bracelet; come to your dorm; let you know I'm outside and then you'll come and get it. Am I missing anything?"

2 Moons: The Friends PerspectiveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang