Chapter 15 - The One When Wayo Can't Take It Anymore

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Phana's POV

Well, I can't say they didn't try to warn me... Because they did.

Not only did Kit and Beam tell me that Yo would be stolen from me by someone else, they even suggested who it might be... And still I didn't listen. I didn't do anything to stop it.

Forth is in love with Yo and although I don't know how Yo feels about this, based on how much time Forth spends with him, I think when Forth confesses to him directly, they'll be together and I will have missed my chance... Again.

And I thought I was getting somewhere. Last night meant something to me. I told Yo that I wasn't messing around anymore and I was no longer a man-whore (Beam's nickname for me, not my own!) and I stayed with him and we talked. It wasn't the right time for me to confess to him - as well as the fact that he fell asleep quite early on, but still - I wasn't ready.

It's frustrating because as I watched him sleep last night I wondered whether he had any idea of my feelings. I thought I had been quite obvious and lord knows that Beam and Kit have been ripping the piss out of me since I recognised him several days ago, least of all because I couldn't stay away.

Surely he had to have noticed that all of my free time is spent within view of him. I wasn't this interested in a moon and stars pageant even when I was competing in it but I'm here, during lunch, during free periods, until late at night and 3 hours away from university at the beach and in his room. Surely he knows that my presence besides him is not a coincidence and it's because I want to be here. I want to be with him...

Fuck this is annoying! My heart feels like it has been shattered into a million pieces but right now, there is still hope. I know Forth's feelings and I know my own. What I don't know is Yo's. Surely I have the advantage, right? I know he loved me a year ago... I have the note he dropped on my last day of high school to prove it.

But, a year is a long time and I was moron then... And I hurt him with the things I said and with the way I treated him during those first few days of school. He might have loved me then but I can't pretend that it wouldn't be surprising if he didn't have any feelings for me at all now.

I've resorted to banging my head against a brick wall, literally as I'm standing outside Beam and Kit's room contemplating my next move as far as Yo is concerned, but afraid to show my face to my best friends as they will delight in saying 'I told you so'.

I brace myself to knock on their door all the while telling myself, 'It serves you right. They really did tell you so.'


Breakfast is a silent affair. It seems that something happened last night whilst drinking with Forth. Kit and Beam are barely talking to each other and I'm in no hurry to draw attention to my own Yo related predicament, which will inevitably come up if I do mention Forth and so, we eat - or more precisely, push our food around our plates without a peep from any of us.

As we finish up, I glance at my watch to find that it's just after 9am and the first videos are being shot at 9.30am around the pool. I've already been given my tasks for the day - namely, mentoring and supervising the individual photo shoot so I've only got 20 minutes or so to pack my bags as we have to check-out by 11am.

Our room is empty as I see that neither Yo nor Ming's cases are present. As they'll be busier than me this morning, I suspect that they have already deposited their cases in the bus as they won't have time to return before we're expected to check out. The plates that I brought Yo's breakfast up on are empty and I hope that Yo ate rather than Ming helped himself.

As I wander around the room conducting one last check to ensure that we haven't left any of our personal items behind, I think back to this morning and what had led up to Forth admitting his feelings about Yo to me.

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