Chapter 19 - The One Where Phana Does His Best

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Phana's POV

I don't know how I did it for so long. It's been just over a year and I have no idea how I got through classes at university without knowing I was going to see Yo every day.

No one needs to tell me... I know I'm whipped.

I've just settled in to my second lecture of the day which is taught by the notorious Professor Auntie. I can hear her talking from the front of the room, but it's not catching my attention as it should. I look to the left of me and see Kit frantically scribbling down notes and Beam is the same on my right. Me? I'm flicking my pen between my fingers and slouching back in my seat.

I look up to the diagrams being presented via projector at the front of the room. As normal, the professor isn't telling me anything I don't already know. I couldn't tell you how or why this is the case. Some classes I listen and take notes, but most - such as this one, I don't need to as I've heard it or read about it somewhere already. Perhaps Kit is right. Maybe I do have a photographic memory.

Knowing that I don't need to pay particular attention right now, I decide to indulge in my new, favourite pastime.... Thinking about Yo. I look at my watch and note that it's approaching 3 hours since I saw him last. I wonder what he's doing right now? Probably asleep. I think that is his favourite pastime, although I'm hoping that like me, that might have changed to having his thoughts invaded with images of me.

This lesson will finish around 12pm and I've just decided that Yo will be my lunch companion today. I think he said something about no moon and star dance practice until 2pm, so hopefully his morning and lunch hour is free.

I none-too-discreetly pull my phone out of my pocket and call up my favourites list. It only has 3 people on it, with Yo at the top. I grin at the memory of Beam and Kit arguing over who was number one before I got Yo's number and then we had to arrange all of our phone favourite lists so that one of us was at the top in at least one phone. So, I'm number one in Kit's, Beam is number one in mine and Kit is number one in Beam's. I'm not even gonna open the can of worms by telling them they've been demoted in favour of Yo. All hell will break loose.

My phone is pressed to my ear and the dial tone sounds twice before I hear my boy answering with a deep hello.

"What are you doing? Have you left your room yet?" I ask with a huge smile on my face.

"Huh?" Comes the response. Maybe he is still in bed. He sounds half asleep.

I look down at my watch again and mentally calculate that he has around 40 minutes to sort himself out if he's going to join me for lunch.

"Don't go anywhere." I say. "I'm gonna come and get you."

"Get me?"

"For lunch."

There is a momentary pause.

"Aren't you in classes, P'Pha?" He asks. I don't know if it's his sweet voice or the fact he called me P'Pha, but I'm melting with his words.

"I'm in class, but I want to see you..."

"Student Phana!" Shit! Busted!!

Professor Auntie is standing at the end of my aisle and there is only Beam between us. She isn't shouting but she doesn't need to. She has a microphone in her hand so her harsh tone is heard loud and clear, even though she is less than a metre away from me.

"How dare you!"

"I didn't do anything, Professor Aunt..." Oops! Was I really going to call this professor Auntie to her face?

"You're using your phone whilst I'm giving a lecture. And what did you call me?" Fuck. She heard it.

She glares at me. I however, look down at my phone and realise Yo is still on the line.

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