Chapter 5 - The One where Ming is Forth's wingman

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Ming's POV

Ah.... Yo's pissed again. Pissed as in annoyed. Pissed as in upset. Pissed as in perplexed. It could be one or all of those emotions that have contributed to the glare on his face and the slump of his shoulders.

I'm 20 metres away from him and he hasn't noticed me, but still I can tell by his body language - no, by his aura... That something is up.

It sadden's me that I see this side of my best friend more often than not since we've come to university. He's normally so happy - cheeky, giggly and just outright adorable. But he's been replaced with a sullen, withdrawn and self-conscious adolescent - the definition of a moody teenager. And it's so unlike him...

He's never needed to be this way. Perpetually sad and angsty. Although he lost his mother at an early age, he's had the love and extraordinary wealth of a doting father who would literally do and give him anything he asked for. Not that Yo is the demanding type. He has nice stuff and a lot of it, but he's not your typical rich kid who struts around the place flaunting it. Hell, my family has about a half of his family's wealth and I show off my luxury items more than he does. But having money and stuff has never made Yo happy. His most genuine smiles and laughs are when he's with his friends and family but I rarely see it anymore.

No. I suspect that the cause of today's anxiety and in fact everything that's been frustrating Wayo over the past week or so is one Phana Kongthanin.

That guy really pushes my buttons! He's never done anything to me but Yo's moods fluctuate so much just because of what Phana says, does or even if he's nearby or not, that it drives me nuts.

It was bad enough when Yo just loved him from a distance. It was Phana this and Phana that, but I listened and I advised. Now we are at the same university as him, it's becoming unbearable.

Well, I'll still bear it. It's Yo after all. He listened to me bitch about my ex's over the past 5 years (and there have been quite a few - 15 at my last count) and he is always straight with me about whether he likes the girls or not; whether he thinks they like me or not and even whether he thinks I really like them or not. So the least I can do is put up with his one and only long-term crush.

I complete the 50 or so steps towards him and take a seat on the bench at his side.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I asked, although I already knew who it would involve if not what.

"Nothing." Yo responded. His overall demeanour did not change so this 'nothing' was a lie.

"I can tell you're upset so you'd better spit it out." My patience could wear thin quickly, especially if this was about PK. It wouldn't do either of us any good by dragging this out. If he needed to purge, he knew I'd be ok with it.

"Have you decided what you're doing for the talent show?" He asked, looking up at me.

That wasn't what I expected him to say. We can absolutely have a conversation about this but there's no way that this is the reason he's down. We've talked about this before and besides the fact he doesn't think he has any talents except sleeping and reading One Piece manga, it really isn't anything to seriously worry about. We'll find something he's good at. Maybe he can just pout for 3 minutes on the stage. He does it a lot and he's quite good at it...

Me on the other hand... I've been practicing Muay Thai for years, so I'll definitely be showcasing my skills during the moon and star contest.

"Girls dig macho guys." I said as I jumped up and demonstrated some of my stances and moves. "If I can win the 'Most Popular Award' amongst the girls, I'll be happy enough." I wiggled my eyebrows at him to ensure he caught my drift.

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