Chapter 8 - The One Where Ming is the 3rd Wheel

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Ming's POV

I can't shake the smell of vomit. It's everywhere on this bus. And even though the source has gone, the stench still lingers. Yo sure likes to leave his mark on a place!

I'm watching the world go by out the window of the bus that is taking all but one of this years' moons and stars to the beach. The one missing is Yo and he should be sitting besides me but his sensitive, I'm-too-privileged-to-travel-on-public-transport-with-peasants stomach meant that we had to offload him an hour ago for the sake of the other 50 people onboard.

I should have remembered or at least recognised that scared look in his eyes when he stepped into the bus that he was worrying about his travel sickness. I thought he was concerned that the only free seats were in front of Forth.

But Forth or not, Yo insisted on sitting by window and he asked for a bag and a bottle of water too. Fortunately I had all of those things and wasn't too bothered about sitting in the aisle but he was getting pale before the bus had even left the university campus. He turned green not long after and that's when he started pebble-dashing the interior of not one, but 6 bags.

I chuckled to myself. I shouldn't really but he was so embarrassed about the situation and even more so when he got off and we gave him to the crazy doctors. I clasp my hands together and look upwards praying that Yo will forgive me for letting Phana see him so vulnerable and weakened by his stomach.

I leaned forward and tapped the shoulder of Yo's faculty partner who was sitting in front of me.

"Hey Nate. Do you still smell vomit too?" I asked her. I wanted to know if it was just me. I was sure that all of the sick was captured in bags which we'd disposed of at the rest stop but I couldn't get away from the foul fragrance.

"No. Must just be you." Nate answered. Turning slightly to look at me, she sighed. "I hope Yo is ok."

"He'll be fine." I returned to looking out of the window. "He just needed to get off of the bus."

"Do you think the crazy doctors will look after him?" She queried.

"He's in the best place whilst he's sick." Ging flops into the seat beside me. "I wouldn't mind being looked after by Doc's Pha, Kit and Beam." He fluttered a hand fan in front of his face as he swooned.

Nate quickly turned in her seat. "But Yo was really unwell. I'm sure he doesn't care who it is, as long as he gets to the beach safely." Nate is sweet and I think she has a little crush on our Yo. Oh young, unrequited love. Thou art a bitch!

"HA!" That sentiment came out a little louder than I wanted it to.

Nate and Ging looked at me suspiciously. Little did they know that Yo, in his right mind, would have been loving every minute of travelling with Phana. I doubt he was well enough to enjoy the experience though.

"I'm sure you're right Ai'Nate. As long as he gets there safely." I smiled weakly at her, not really wanting to expose my exact thoughts on that subject.

A few more people nearby started talking about the crazy doctor gang. How handsome and smart they were. Beam was the casanova, Phana was the all rounder and Kit was the cute one.

Well, I couldn't argue with that. We'd briefly spoken before Yo and I got on the bus and I recognised him as P'KitKat from high school. He certainly was cute.

Everyone called him KitKat at school because he was short and square in shape - like the KitKat chocolate bar. He was still short, but he wasn't square anymore. But, I would still call him KitKat if I spoke to him more often. It was my favourite confectionary after all.

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