Authors Note

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So, this is the end of my re-telling of 2 Moons - from the friends' perspective.

I was conscious, especially when writing the final chapter, that I could continue writing in the same format for books 2, 3 and 4 but the likelihood is that I won't.

I could say it's because my life is crazy right now, but I think everyone is in the same boat regardless of one's age and global location. That's 2020 for you and I for one can't wait for it to be over. 

The reason why I won't be continuing this story actually relates to the process I followed when writing.

I've seen season one of 2 Moons many, many times and when some specific English subtitles pointed to back stories for the characters and scenes that only the book covered, I set out to find it which led me to Wattpad and the translations.

This is what incentivised me to write this story in the first place, as I felt that looking at only Wayo's perspective for the majority of the chapters, didn't really give insight into the behaviours and motivations of the other characters.

So, when I was writing this, as much as I fully intended to put forth what I thought all of the main characters was thinking and feeling even if they only got a couple of chapters (such as Beam and Forth), I also had to ensure that I got the timing right, e.g. who says what and when they say it; as well as ensuring that I got situations and places right. 

So, whilst writing, I also had the relevant chapters of the original translated story open as well as season one's episodes playing in the background. It's why it takes so long to write each chapter, as I had to revert back to the episode for some details; the story for others and then rely on my own creativity for the rest.

And, why this won't work for Book 2? Mainly because I haven't watched season 2... Or at least, I fast forwarded through the majority of it because I hated the new cast.

I'm also given to understand that there are issues yet again with season 3 and they are unlikely to retain season 2's cast.

Either way, knowing what I do about my creative process so that I can try and stay as closely aligned to the original material as possible, I wouldn't be doing it justice by just relying on the translated book because, whilst I couldn't do a Thai to English translation if my life depended on it - I also recognise that there are many translations that are far too literal; out of context or simply not things that people in their early twenties would say, regardless of whereabouts in the world they are.

All of the above being said, I have very much enjoyed writing this story and I hope you, the readers, have enjoyed it too.

And who knows... in the UK - which is where I'm based, we're back in lockdown because of COVID-19 and if I get bored enough, maybe I'll give 2 Moons Series 2 another chance and I might take on the challenge of writing a new friends perspective after all.

2 Moons: The Friends PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now