Chapter 4 - The One where Phana gets a servant

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Phana's POV

I've said it once and I'll say it again - what the actual fuck is wrong with me?

I know in my head and my heart that I must do better where Yo is concerned. I've messed up so much and I have so much to fix and yet, I just keep saying and doing stupid things.

I just wish that I knew whether he still likes me. What I should do is ask or even better, confess how I feel about him... But I'm a coward and I'm too scared to do either because what he said and how he felt a year ago has probably changed with good reason.

In my efforts to find out how he feels, I decided to be bold and try to stay very close to Yo. Ok - Truth be told, I couldn't stay away even if I wanted to.

Ever since the day I recognised him as my Wayo, I have tried every trick up my sleeve to talk to him and spend time with him. That day will forever be named as 'Phana is a dumbass day' for obvious reasons and after I'd got over the initial shock, Beam and Kit eventually calmed me down and re-iterated the need for me to get my head back in the game and win over my man.

I patiently waited that night for the days' training to finish. Patience is not a trait I'm known for and on that particular day, I don't know what the potential moons and stars were doing but it went on for hours. I was climbing the walls when I saw the first participants drift down the stairs of the auditorium. The seniors had shown the freshman where the event would actually take place so my discreet and impatient ass had also travelled around the university campus following them.

After watching everyone but Yo file out of the only doors of the building, I got a little worried that I had missed him so I thought I would go investigate. I really wanted to see him and even speak to him... Although I was unsure as to what I would say.

I travelled up the stairs and found Yo and his shadow Ming just outside of the auditorium deep in conversation. My heart was thumping within my chest at the sight of them. Well, on seeing Yo, not so much his engineering moon friend.

Ming saw me first and I quietly thanked him as he silently ran back towards the auditorium, abandoning Yo alone in the corridor, staring after him. My footsteps alerted Yo to my presence as I approached. When he turned towards me, I saw his eyes widen and his pupils dilate. I'm studying to be a doctor so I know that this physical reaction is positive so I'm buoyed enough to stop in front of him and I decided to talk.

"Are you planning on staying here until tomorrow?" I asked. It was late and he and Ming were still there at least 20 minutes later than everyone else.

Yo just looked at me, making no effort to open his mouth in response. Did he not hear me ask him the question? Did he think my question didn't dignify a response? I was being a little sarcastic so I let him off... But I did want to hear his voice so I thought to ask another question.

"Want to go home with me? I drove my car here." He lives in my dorm and Ming doesn't so this invitation would serve 2 purposes. I'm being a good Phi and ensuring he got home without inconveniencing his friend. If Yo said yes, then we'd be in close proximity to each other in my car... I didn't know what I'd do or say if or when we got there but baby steps people!

Still no response or even a visible reaction to my question. This kid is killing me!

"Hey, are you coming with me or what?" I almost shouted. I was getting impatient. Well, actually I was scared that this was the beginning of him blatantly choosing to ignore me.

"Co...Coming..." He stuttered. He didn't say anything else but just continued to look at me. It was a bit unsettling. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

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