Chapter 23 - The One With All the Tiredness

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Wayo's POV

Who in their right mind invented a 3am? Surely when it's dark outside, you can't class it as morning. It's still night time, right?

To make it worse, I've had just over two hours sleep so when my alarm went off this morning, boy, was I pissed.

I don't even remember setting an alarm so imagine my surprise when not only did an excessive chirping noise come from my phone but a long, slender arm reached over me to shut it off.

My annoyance at the noise was quickly replaced by absolute fear that there was someone in my room. Actually, scrap that. There was someone in my bed - laying beside me! I was happy that the stranger turned off the incessant chirping of the alarm tone but it was still very bewildering to wake up to an unknown presence.

"Morning." Said the sleepy, unmistakable voice of Phana.

I turned my head cautiously and my eyes fell on his as he laid with his body turned towards me and his head propped up by his arm. His eyes were barely open and he smiled adorably.

My own eyes had been blown wide open. The fear of the unknown had gone, but the shock at seeing Phana Kongthanin in my bed remained and no amount of dreamy grins from him would be able to change that.

"It's not morning." I retorted grumpily. "It's dark, so it's still night time."

I rolled my head back around so that I was staring at my ceiling. I lazily closed my eyes and recalled how my crush had ended up here. That's right, Yo. You went to get him! You concluded a call with Ming at gone midnight and then went to Phana's room. I can't recall what drew me there but I found myself interrupting a pretty one-sided conversation between him and Pring who had seemingly invited herself into his room, and he was more than happy to leave her there whilst he accompanied me to my room on the floor below his own.

And after he promised me that he would really listen to the song that I'll play during the show, I fell asleep. I didn't expect him to stay but as I briefly turn my head back to look at him, I see that he hasn't moved and his gaze is still angled to my own face but he was chuckling quietly.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"I'm just questioning your logic, nong. Just because the sun isn't up, doesn't mean it's still night time." He continued to look at me. "And I'm pretty sure it's not going to stop Nong Ming from knocking at your door in, oooo... twenty three minutes..."

I picked up my phone and saw that Phana was right. It was now 3.07am and Ming is nothing if not prompt and always on time. If he says he'll pick me up at 3.30am, then that's when he'll be there. And he hates tardiness. He whinges about me being late all the time... Because I am.

I still had to shower and prepare all of my clothes and music for tonight. Curse my nocturnal discussions with Ming and the rescuing of the campus moon from his amorous star partner.

"I'm gonna go, Yo." Phana called as I jumped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

"Why? We can talk when I come out of the shower... "

"Well, one - I think Ming will jump to conclusions if he sees me here in my pyjamas at three o'clock in the morning and two, you don't have much time and you have a lot to do to get ready." He sat up in the bed and swung his legs around until they were set on the floor.

I nodded somewhat forlornly. I didn't want him to go but he would prove too much of a desirous distraction if he stayed here... And he was absolutely right that Ming would not let it go if he saw Phana in here right now.

Phana was suddenly beside me at the doorway to my bathroom.

"Also..." He added, as he lay his arm across my shoulders, "... I don't have to be at the auditorium until 2pm, so I can sleep more. As much as your bed it very comfortable, there is no incentive to stay in it if you're not with me..." He smirked at what was no doubt a completely stupefied look that had graced my face.

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