Chapter 21 - The One When Phana is Impressed... But Forth is Not!

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Phana's POV

I was expecting to encounter an angry moon candidate when I got to the pageant training area nearly an hour later than planned... But the one making threatening remarks and gestures was older, from the wrong faculty and no where near as cute as I assumed he'd be.

I knew as soon as I got there that this meeting wouldn't be good.

As I had approached in my car, I noticed that the facial expressions of the two had changed. Yo and Forth had been laughing about something together but when they saw me coming, Yo's laughter changed to a bright, beaming smile and Forth's to a thunderous glare.

I got out and went to stand in front of Yo who was also motioning to stand up from the concrete steps that he had been sitting on.

"You were waiting for this guy?" Forth growled to Yo, whilst pointing at me.

"I'm so sorry, Yo!" The apologies are out of my mouth before I can stop walking towards him. "The lab took longer than I expected and my phone died, and I had nothing to charge it with and because I ran out of the class as soon as the lab was done, I didn't ask Beam and Kit if their phones were ok..." I was waffling but I needed him to know how contrite I was. I could hear Forth mumble 'yeah, right' under his breath but it was still audible.

Yo was holding out his hands towards me, probably trying to stop me from waving them around whilst I explained my tardiness, but I didn't stop.

"... Yo, I'm sorry. I should have done more to tell you I was going to be late. Sorry... I'm just... Sorry...." Just in case he didn't get that I was in fact, very, very apologetic I just said it a couple more times.

"It's ok, P'Pha." He finally says. He has a soft smile on his face and I believed he truly did forgive me. I'm sure all of the 'sorry's' helped.

I reached to the step behind him to pick up his rucksack attempting to hurry him into the car and away from this place, but I noticed Forth taking a step closer towards us, so I looked up.

"He might say he's ok, but I don't think he is." He grumbled.

I looked at Yo and his expression hadn't changed. He seemed fine.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I pitched at Forth.

"If you're coming late or not coming at all, you should let him know." Forth's voice was raising by several decibels on every word. I really didn't know what this guys' problem was.

"Did you not just hear me explain all of that to him?" I gestured, pointing to his ears. Is he deaf or just fucking obtuse?

"And what if it was gonna be later than this? What then, huh? You would have just left him waiting alone?" Forth questioned and smirked at the same time.

He had me there. I'm not sure what could have happened if I was later than I am now. Yo waited for me for an hour and a part of me is glad that Forth was there. It's a very little part with the consideration that he's trying to prove he's the better choice for Yo and that he'll be there when I won't, but still, Yo was not alone in the dark and for that, I'm thankful.

"Y-You could have offered him a ride... " I stutter.

"I asked." Forth all but bellowed at me, "I wanted to give him a ride but he wouldn't leave. He was waiting for you."

I bowed my head to ensure that neither Yo or Forth saw the smile that was gracing my face. I was humbled that Yo was waiting extremely patiently for me and more so, that he had faith that I would come.

Yo went to speak, but Forth interrupted with a heavy sigh.

"He says he's ok, so this time, I'm not going to argue." He started to walk away, aggressively bumping my shoulder as he passed me by. "But don't let there be a next time, do you understand? Don't make Yo wait for you like this again."

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