Chapter 18 - The One When Ming is Popular

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Ming's POV

Errr... What the hell just happened?

I've just been accosted by Phana as I virtually fell out of the car that we've been travelling in. He asked for Yo and then ran off!

I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier but I think something is going on between those two!

I lost sight of them both as I was walking around the car I've just exited trying to stretch a bit. The beach resort that we spent the weekend at was far away from school and I'm cramping like a bitch after sitting in the back seat for over 3 hours.

But doing that journey in a car is infinitely better than it would have been on a bus and I have Forth and his generosity and Yo, with his sensitive stomach and Forth's interest in him to thank for the fact that I had a more comfortable return trip from the beach.

Comfortable? Yes! Fun? Absolutely not!

All four occupants of the vehicle travelled in virtual silence - all of us seemingly affected by Yo's foul mood.

Yo and I were going to attempt the ride back on the bus but he turned up to reception to collect his luggage pissed and teary-eyed and refusing point blank to explain why. Figuring it had to do with the prospect of getting back on the bus, I was a bit flummoxed as to what to do to help him but thankfully, Forth turned up and knowing about Yo's travel sickness episode, he and his sophomore moon friend offered us a ride.

I was hopeful that being in the car would improve his spirits but he said nothing and did nothing but look out of the window for the entire journey. Whatever was bothering him obviously concerned Forth as well, because he kept turning his head to look back at Yo who was beside me. But neither Forth nor I asked, and Yo wasn't prepared to tell.

About 20 minutes from the university, something happened that kept him glued to his phone and I saw hints of a smile on his face on the couple of occasions that I glanced over at him, but still, he wouldn't explain what was going on.

And here I am, leaning against the vehicle that deposited us all safely in the university's parking lot looking into the distance where I can see Yo stomping across the lawns, dragging his case behind him and Phana gaining on him. I think Yo had managed to get out the car before it had even stopped - not asking me or anyone else for an onward ride to his dorm. He'd just stalked off without a backward glance nor a 'bye' or 'see ya' spoken.

But as I see that Phana has caught up to him and they're clearly having, what looks like a rather heated conversation in the middle of the small park - I can definitely say with some confidence, that there is something going on between those two!

As I stand against the car, head tilted trying to work out what is being said, I feel a presence alongside me. I turn to see Forth also taking up a position of leaning against the vehicle. He crosses his arms against his chest.

"What do you think that's about?" He says, presumably to me as he doesn't take his eyes off of the pair.

"I wish I knew." I responded with a shrug. "Might have been the cause of Ai'Yo's silence in the car."

"Hmmm." Forth looked down to the floor as if contemplating something. He then raised his head to view them again before turning to glare directly at me. "Does Yo like Phana?" He asks with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

I throw my head from side to side just to check that it's me he's addressing. Why is he asking me? I mean, I know the answer but it's not my business to air Yo's longtime crush to all and sundry.

"I wouldn't know." Yo's secret is safe with me! "He hasn't said anything."

Forth looks at the floor again. "Well, does Phana like Yo then?"

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