Chapter 10 - The One When Phana Takes Advantage

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Phana's POV

The things I do for love! 

I've just been relieved of 2,000 baht just to ensure I sleep in Yo's room tonight. This was the amount it took to 'convince' (ok bribe!) the senior in charge of room allocation. I was prepared to pay 5,000 but they don't know that. The fact that the lanky nong Ming will be there as well isn't ideal but, I'd rather be with the two of them than with any other randoms. Just as well they won't let the sophomore moons share with freshmen stars - by the sounds of the groans, I might have been mauled!

I fully appreciate that I probably looked like a lunatic, staring at the room key with a ridiculous grin on my face when taking the short lift ride to our floor, and then the brief walk to the room. But the grin fell rather quickly when I walked through the open door of our room and saw what looked like Wayo and Ming wrestling and giggling on the bed. This was not the scene I expected.

To be honest, I'm not sure what I was expecting but it wasn't this! I cleared my throat loudly and I was ignored because neither nong could hear me over the squeals! So, I did it again - louder this time and both Yo and Ming turned to look at me with their mouths wide open in shock.

"Am I interrupting?" I asked, trying really hard to take the disdain out of my voice and the 'I'm pissed' look off my face.

Yo and Ming look at each other and then look at me.

"Are you staying here tonight?" Ming asks quietly.

I snort in derision, "I can change rooms if you want..." And I turn to exit the room via the way I came in. It took everything inside of me to do this as I really didn't want to leave Yo but it looks like I'd underestimated the relationship between these two. Well, that's 2,000 baht wasted... I wonder if Kit and Beam will let me crash on their couch...

"Hold On... Are you kidding?" I could hear the bed squeak subtly as one of the boys was moving on it and Ming was still questioning me as to whether I really was going to spend the night in their room. I looked back and they were both still open mouthed.

I clarified that yes, I was planning on sharing the room with them and after a very uncomfortable interlude whereby I insinuated that I was disturbing their couples time, it was agreed that we would be roommates. The nong's would share the bed, which I'm none too pleased about, and I will sleep on the couch.

I didn't want to spend any more time with them being all cosy with each other so after reminding them of the time that they had to meet later, I stomped out of the room.

I didn't want to believe what I had just witnessed. Beam had suggested that there was more than just friendship between them and I couldn't see it or maybe, I didn't want to see it. But I couldn't un-see the two of them rolling about on the bed, laughing.

I needed to clear my head and try and shake the images from my mind so I wandered quite aimlessly along the corridors. The complex was massive and I found myself lost. I was still on the floor that my room was on but the room number I was standing outside of right now was nearly 100 numbers different to mine. I didn't know how long I'd been walking or even where I was going. It was a bit stupid but I wondered if one of my map apps on my phone would help me out. Figured it was worth a try as this place was the size of a small island! With the app open, I was consulting my phone earnestly when I heard a 'ping' and Kit's voice call out to me as I walked past the elevators! That was close. I didn't want to admit that I could get lost in a hotel resort. How embarrassing.

I followed Beam and Kit to their room and waited by the door whilst they dumped their stuff. I had actually found an app for the resort and I was actually looking at the map as well as reviews of the restaurants, bars and shops within it... Cool... They have a giant pool and slide!

2 Moons: The Friends PerspectiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora