Chapter 12 - The One Where Ming Starts His Quest for Kit

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Ming's POV

Well, Yo doesn't waste any time does he? I'm ignoring the 5 years that he has waited for his crush to make a move, but the hold-up has clearly addled his brain and pushed his patience a step too far.

We've been in university a week and he's already got Phana in a room in a hotel. Granted, Yo isn't due to be alone in the room tonight as I'll be there too... But I should try and ensure Yo catches a break.

I'm pretty sure Phana pulled some strings to ensure he ended up as the senior in our room... And what made him want in to our room has got nothing to do with me and everything to do with Yo so, I should graciously take myself out of their way and let the two of them work it out, whatever 'it' was. So.... Where can I stay tonight?

I left Yo to sleep in our room, given he still doesn't look great following the journey here and venture outside.

The weather is glorious and it's still reasonably early so I'm outside taking everything in. It might as well just be people from Kanthaphat here as everywhere I look, there are moons and stars or trainers, seniors or photographers from university in every one of the resorts nooks.

Nate, Kookgai and Sai are lounging by the pool and I wave at them, taking a seat at their table. Sai looks down and blushes as I ask them their thoughts on the place.

"It's so nice, Ai'Ming." Nate giggles. "I can't wait to get in the pool later."

I nod at her and look over the at the other two. Kookgai is, I assume, staring into the distance whilst laying on a poolside lounger. Her eyes are covered by large dark sunglasses and she crosses and uncrosses her shapely legs but she doesn't look at me, so I instead turn to Sai.

"How about you, Ai'Sai? Looking forward to the rest of the day?"

She looks up as if my question surprised her and stutters a response. "Err.... Y-yes. I'm sure it'll be great." She flushes bright red yet again and her eyes return to inspect her shoes.

This reaction from Sai is constant. She barely talks to me, except when I initiate conversation with her or her friends. She's not as confident as Kookgai nor as nice as Nate but still, she has a pretty face and it's clear that she likes me. The blushing gives her away every time.

I very briefly consider whether Sai is the answer to my prayers of a roommate for the evening, when Nate interrupts my thoughts.

"I take it you are sharing a room with Ai'Yo? How is he?"

Nate really is one of the sweetest girls and whilst I think this is a genuine enquiry into Yo's health, I equally feel like she is also settling her own flutterings about her science faculty partner. Her crush on Yo is both obvious and cute.

I smirk. "Yep - Yo and I are sharing a room. I left him to sleep more. He's still not feeling great."

Nate nods silently and smiles at me. "Do you think he needs anything? Medicine or food? We could bring some to him..."

"I think he has medicine to take and he didn't want food," I shared. "Anyway... P'Phana is sharing the room with us too. I'm sure he'll look after him - being a med student and all."

Kookgai's head turned and looked at me and she snatched her glasses off of her face. "Doc Pha is in your room?"

I nodded, somewhat confused about her sudden interest in the campus moon.

"What room are you guys in?" She asked.

"Errr... 243." I said, fishing around my shorts pocket for the room key double checking the digits.

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