Chapter 11 - The One Where Phana is a Tease

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Phana's POV

I couldn't stay in our room much longer after Yo had entered the bathroom to get ready for the meeting. I was delirious with happiness and sporting a rather unsightly tent in my shorts, so I decided to go and grab my friends.

I virtually ran to their room, getting only slightly lost this time and found them sighing happily as they were closing their textbooks and putting their study materials away.

"That test will be an absolute bitch!" Commented Beam who was stretching his arms above his head and flopped onto the bed. "I'll be lucky if I pass even with all of the studying..."

"But we've done all we can." Kit states. "I certainly have no intention of picking up those books again this weekend. Let's get out of here and go check out girls in bikinis!!"

"HELL YES!!" Shouts Beam and he has his shoes on and is out the door before I can even stand up straight.

Kit and I joined our excitable friend as we exited the air-conditioned, interior of the complex and made our way to an expanse of water that was the outdoor pool. There were seniors and other pageant staff around, setting up cameras and lighting equipment at various points around the pool side.

Beam and Kit were whispering and pointing at a rowdy corner of the pool that contained a bevy of freshman girls, splashing and frolicking in the water. Beam and Kit's eyes were virtually falling out of their heads like cartoon characters and they unconsciously started walking towards the clutch of beauties to attempt to join in the fun.

If the last week has taught me anything, it's that girls are no longer the gin to my tonic if you know what I mean, so I decided to abandon Beam and Kit to go and look for my shorty who should also be in the vicinity with the other moons.

Unlike the stars who had decided to congregate together, it appeared that the boys were all off in various different parts of the resort. I saw several heading to the beach; a few sitting around the pool and a couple darting in and out of the conference room that we had sequestered - most wearing more make-up when they came out than when they went in. But, none that I encountered were Yo or even Ming. With somewhat dampened spirits, I went to join the other sophomore moons that had come to chaperone as they laughed and bantered in the lobby.

My time with them didn't last long, mainly because they were having crude conversations about the freshmen. Mostly the girls, but Yo's name popped up far too frequently for my liking and I could feel my blood boiling at every mention of my shorty's name so I thought it best to leave them before my fists started flying.

I went back to the pool to see what Beam and Kit were up to, trying to catch a glimpse of Yo on my travels - to no avail. The boys were getting thoroughly acquainted with the stars by spraying the girls with a hose and dipping their feet into the pool, kicking and splashing to the delight of the bikini'd ladies.

I dragged them away under a barrage of protests and we decided to check out the beach. I clocked Ming playing a game of football with his peers and although Yo didn't seem like the sort of guy to have sporty pursuits, we all know that wherever Ming is, Yo is rarely far behind.

As the three of us stood on the sand watching the game, Kit tapped me on the shoulder and motioned towards Yo and Forth who were seated on loungers away from both us and the other guys. Even from our position, I could see that Yo was glistening with sweat under the setting sun. Although it was approaching 6pm, the day was still warm and I think he had been running around - maybe he had played after all.

Kit, Beam and I frantically whispered between us about how to enter ourselves into their conversation. Beam was more vexed that he probably needed to be... But I was thankful that my friend was concerned enough about Yo and I's relationship that he was suggesting ways to separate the two. It was agreed that Kit would buy a bottle of water and offer it to Yo, thus distracting him from his tete-a-tete. Kit did as asked, grumbling all of the way.

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