Chapter 24 - The One Where Forth Loses

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Forth's POV

As I look around the auditorium, I think back to this time last year when the same amount of people were jammed in as spectators, but I was on the stage competing to become Kantaphat University's Campus Moon.

I scanned the crowd and noticed that although a year had passed, some things hadn't changed. 

The judges sitting in front of the stage were exactly the same as last year and the two seniors on the stage had also presented the pageant last year too. These two were the legendary moon and star of the university, both coming from the engineering faculty that had won 3 years prior. They had starting dating during their own training and, the last I'd heard, they were now engaged to be married. They were celebrities and everyone had loved them so, it was likely that they would forever more be asked to return every year just to show how it should be done.

I also noticed that, exactly as last year, Beam and Kit had squeezed past me earlier to get a front row seat, well not literally speaking as everyone was standing rather than sitting. Initially, I was somewhat confused as to their attendance but it all came back to me as Pring and Phana's names were mentioned as last years' Campus Star and Moon.

Phana Kongthanin. I hate that guy!

Well, that's not true! I just really dislike him. Actually, that's not true either. Ok... I have to admit it! Phana is great but... I'm not happy with him. There! That's a little closer to the truth of the matter.

And, to be honest, I'm not sure I have anything to not be happy with him about. Has he really done anything wrong? He and I are the same in some respects and yet very different.

Take this very moment in time. I'm standing in the audience as the second placed moon from last year and there he is. Striding to the microphones standing at the front of the stage with Pring by his side. The cheering and whoops that are currently creating a deafening racket since his name was mentioned nearly thirty seconds ago have not subsided in the least. I guess the roar of the crowd could be because of Pring, but who am I kidding. They loved him a year ago when they voted for him and they love him still.

And what's not to love? I'm a bi-sexual man so I can admit when another man is attractive. Albeit, a complete definition of one's sexual orientation would not be needed to admit that Phana is one good looking guy. If I went for partners who were taller and broader than me, then I wouldn't kick the campus moon out of bed but alas, when it comes to both males and females, I prefer someone slighter then myself, with feminine features and Phana is the complete opposite of that. Phana is all man.

No. Phana definitely isn't my type and as I look up at the stage, where our host and hostess for the evening are trying to quieten the crowd so that Phana and Pring can say their piece, I also take a long, hard look at Pring.

No one could deny that she was pretty. You might even extend that to beautiful and she certainly knew how to make the most of the gorgeous features that she had been given. She was also curvy and exceptionally feminine and no hot blooded male would be likely to overlook her. But, there was something about her that made this hot-blooded male overlook her. I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot bargepole.

And neither would Phana and that seriously seemed to irk her. Even on the stage, you could see her looking up at him whilst he spoke about his time in the campus moon role with utter lust in her eyes. He had ignored it when she made her attraction to him clear when we'd all been freshmen a year ago and he was still avoiding those looks from her now.

As much as I wasn't too interested in Phana's sex life, I was privy to at least one reason why Pring had so far been unsuccessful when trying to claim Pha as her own. The man was gay. Or, maybe, he was now bisexual, but I'm certain he's  hot for one adorable freshman boy who, along with all of this years competitors, was filing onto the stage right now.

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