Chapter 17 - The One Where Pring's Car is Mysteriously Out of Action

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Phana's POV

It's 6am on a Monday morning. Not unlike me to be up, showered and dressed at this time. My location right now however, is new. I'm currently standing outside Yo's room.

Is it wrong of me to be outside my soon-to-be boyfriends' dorm at this time in the morning? I don't think so. I'm just looking to extend last nights' first date by spending some time with Yo before my first class of the day which is at 8.30. I was hoping we could get breakfast.

Does he know I'm here? No.

Does he know I'm going to drag him out to eat? Absolutely not.

Will he come? I think so.

It's me after all and as we established yesterday, we like each other - have done for years and today is the first day of our relationship. Who wouldn't be excited about that?

The problem, as I see it, is the time. If the past weekend at the beach taught me anything about Yo, it's that he loves his sleep and he sleeps very heavily. So, trying to spend some time with him at this hour of the day might not be welcomed. This is the reason that I've been lingering in front of his door for over 10 minutes.

I raise my hand and gingerly rap my knuckles against his door, hoping that the knocking will rouse him gently. There is no answer so I do it again - a little louder this time. Still, no response and I can't hear that there is any movement on the other side of the door.

I wait in the corridor tentatively considering what I can do to wake him. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see that it's 6.09 now. I can't waste much more time if Yo needs to dress before joining me for breakfast and still get to my class on the other side of campus in time for 8.30 so, because desperate times call for desperate measures, I find his name in my contact list and press the call button.

I can't hear any ringing coming from within Yo's room so maybe it's switched off. With the phone still pressed to my ear, I drop my head in disappointment. I really wanted to see him this morning.

"Heelllloooo..." Yo's barely awake voice drawls down the phone at me.

I fist pump because he answered the call.

"Open the door." I answer in my most seductive, yet authoritative baritone.


Within the space of 30 seconds, it seems like he is working out that it's me and I'm at his door requesting entrance.

"Open the door." I repeat, stifling my laughter. "If you don't, I'll break it open."

The call is dropped and I look at my phone, somewhat bemused at the fact that Yo hung up on me. But, within seconds I hear footsteps approaching the door and it swings open to show an adorable Yo in sleep wear.

I could just stand in his doorway gawping at his deliciousness but I've got to hurry the boy along. Porridge is calling me!

I go to move inside his room. "Step away." I suggest and he moves to the side, letting me come in.

His room is the same size as mine and set out in a very similar way, although our furniture is different. The room is clean and tidy and I swing my head from left to right trying to take everything in.

"Hey, hey, hey... Whose room is this, P'Pha?" I stop assessing his decor and turn to look at him, with his dishevelled bed hair.

"Remember to call me P'Pha more often. I love it." Especially out of his mouth. It sounds sexy and captivating.

"Don't change the subject." He narrows his eyes with suspicion. "What are you doing here anyway? Why aren't you at school?"

The bed clothes are rumpled, which is not surprising given I just awoke him from his slumber and I take a tentative seat on the edge of his bed and watch him as he settles back against a chest of drawers.

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