chapter three

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Sighing, Lisa let go of her mouse and relaxed back on her chair, stretching a little bit when she noticed that the sun had come down completely, a light knock coming from the door. "Come in" Lisa's voice filled the entire room, the door opening slightly and allowing a beam of light to pass through, Jisoo appearing behind it with a smile on her face that quickly faded when she saw the state that Lisa was in. With her arms crossed in front of her chest and a strong look of disbelief Jisoo approached her more and more until she was standing in front of Lisa's desk. "You look like fucking hell" The woman pointed out,siting down and taking a better look at her friend's exhausted face, Lisa laughing and looking away, hiding in a way the amount of tiredness that was expressed on her face. "I thought we talked about this" Jisoo sighed and tapped her fingers on the wooden surface, getting Lisa's attention back and giving her the most serious stare she could possibly pull off, he wasn't the most serious person but she could try and be for once.

"And I am pretty sure I told you that my job is my medicine" Lisa said and let her elbows rest on her desk, leaning forward a little bit and rubbing her eyes with her hands. It was true, her job was her medicine and the only thing that could make her feel better except of course her fiance that was always there to support her when she was going through hard times. Evelyn was a pretty understanding person even though sometimes she failed to see things from the prospective Lisa did they still made it work. But lately that understanding had been decreasing as both of them got more and more occupied with work, especially Lisa that was traveling to support the projects that she had in mind. Maybe it was the routine that tired her most of all, the fact that her life had become a boring routine where every day was the same, no trill, no new ideas, no time for anything else. Just a boring routine. "You need to find a new way of taking out what you feel inside" Jisoo said and pulled her phone out, probably looking for something.

"That's the point, I don't feel anything at this point" Lisa groaned and leaned back again, her back hitting the chair once again as she covered her face with her palms. "I am just tired maybe that's why everything seems so boring" Lisa pointed out and saw that Jisoo was invested in something that had to do with her phone. "Pay attention, I need your help here" Lisa groaned and leaned forward, grabbing the phone and placing it down on the desk, the screen lighting up, an image popping up and lighting up Lisa's face, Jisoo looking at her with the most pissed off look ever. "You don't need my help Lisa," Jisoo raised her voice and took her phone back, turning the screen on again and pointing directly at her best friend's face. "You need HER help" Jisoo said and sat back down, groaning out of frustration. It wasn't the first time that she was suggesting her to go and see a therapist, in fact it was the third or fourth time that she said the same thing but Lisa never really listened.

Things couldn't keep on going on like that though, she couldn't just keep on burying herself in her job whenever something went wrong in her everyday life. There had been countless times when she fought with Evelyn or something was going on outside that damn studio and she resulted in staying in that room for three days in a row. "No way, forget that" Lisa said and turned her laptop on again, Jisoo slamming it close almost getting Lisa's fingers as well. "Dude, you need to learn to talk about things that bother you, not avoid them." The woman raised her voice, her motherly side coming out of her when Lisa started acting like a child that didn't want to go to school, except this was a therapist, both of those beneficial. "Plus, if you sort things by doing that your relationship would be normal again, think about that" Jisoo said and she could tell that this particular hit affected her best friend. She just wanted her to be okay, she just wanted her to have a good relationship even if she didn't think that Evelyn, a pure drama queen was the perfect match for Lisa.

Throwing her hands in the air, Lisa didn't know if she could say anything else regarding that, it was now the fifth time that she was hearing that from Jisoo and maybe she was right after all. Maybe just maybe, if she had heard her the first time and she indeed visited someone that specialized in helping people express themselves, or even help them relieve their stress of the everyday life that comes with responsibilities things would have already fixed between her and Evelyn. And she knew that her fiance didn't deserve to be treated like that, she hadn't said yes just so she could have Lisa ignore her or yell at her due to the stress that she was going through on a daily basis, the woman was not a punching bag and maybe it was about time to take that advice. "I have been using Evelyn as a punching bag lately," Lisa sighed and looked at the picture that she had framed on her desk, her Evelyn and their doggie Lily. "Maybe it'll help me relieve some stress and focus better on the things that I have to focus on" Lisa said and saw the way her friend was looking at her, the picture still lighting up the room they were in.

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