Chapter 34: you'll be fine

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Melody's POV

Yesterday was hectic as hell.
I totally went off on Billie. And now I wonder whether she deserved it or not.
The thought of her going to prison is just too scary for me. If the cops ever find her.
In the beginning when I signed up for this relationship, I thought I could easily handle situations like these and that it might happen someday. But then our relationship became more intense and strong, and I started to love her more than anything else. She seemed like a whole different person when we were alone. And I stopped doubting our relationship cause she really proved her loyalty as a partner, she promised me faith and she definitely made me feel it more than ever before.

I have to talk to her.
Cause I don't consider this as a fight, but I'm happy I went home after the "argument" cause I didn't have anything left to say.
I've been blowing up Billies phone with messages, voicemails and 1000 calls, but she's not responding anything.
Guess I have to talk to her in person.

As I get out on the sidewalk leading to billies house I can see that her car is gone.
She's probably home by midnight.
I go back to my house.

"Do you wanna go on a little hike with us?" My mom asks
"I'm not really in the mood..." I say
"But is so beautiful up there, the view is amazing" she says
"Okay" I say surrendering cause she did have a good reason. The view over LA is amazing up there.
"Okay we'll leave in 1 hour" my mom says

*1 hour later*

I get downstairs after a quick nap.
"You look like Jabba the hut" Adam says putting on his soccer t-shirt.
"You look like the Wish version of Ronaldo" I say making a face of him
My dad comes down clearly also from a good nap.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" I say giggling
"Very funny Mel" he says while yawning.
"Okay is everyone ready?" My mom says
We all look at mom.
"Oh my lord get ready! I'd like to do it today" my mom hurries.
I run upstairs trying to make myself look less like "jabba the hut"

*while hiking*

"Just a few miles more" my mom says
"My legs are about to jump off my knees" Adam complains
"Come on son you don't have practice in 2 weeks just give it all you got" my dad says trying to cheer him up.
"Isn't that billies car?" My mom says
"What?" I say running up to her.
"Over there" my mom says pointing.
"It is" I say.
"What is she doing up here?" My mom says
"I don't know... can I go talk to her?" I ask
"Okay but don't take too long" my mom says
"Of course not" I say running towards where Billies car is parked.
She's not inside of it.
I walk down a small path.
Where she is.
I slowly walk towards her without saying anything.
She doesn't seem to notice anything. Just sitting there staring at the city.
"Hey" I say
Billie looks up at me.
"Hey" she says with no expression
"Can I sit down?" I ask
"Yeah whatever" Billie says still not paying any sort of attention to me.
Which is kinda hard to watch. Cause I know how she usually would look at me a certain way.
"How'd you find me?" She asks
"Went hiking with my family, saw your car and thought that you might be somewhere near" I say
"Makes sense" she says
"So what do you want?" Billie asks finally looking at me
"I just wanted to see you" I say
"You see me everyday" Billie says
"Listen.. I'm sorry I went off at you the other day..." I say
She doesn't say anything but looks down.
"Just everything about the situation was overwhelming to me and I'm sorry... it's only because I love you.." I say trying to make eye contact.
"So did you turn me in to the cops?" She asks
"No! I could never do that" I say.
"But... you're right. I'm the bad guy in this, I should be the one who were in juvenile center by now, not steph..." Billie says
"As long as no one has seen or heard anything you'll be good" I say
"I hope so" Billie says.
"Me too" I say still looking at her.
"It was hard playing mad at you" Billie then says wrapping her arms around my waist.
"Does that mean you forgive me?" I ask
"What do you mean why should I have to forgive you" Billie asks
"Because of how I reacted" I say
"It shouldn't be a sin to help others learning from their mistakes" Billie says
"Baby.." I say looking at her
"You're giving me room to grow and learn from my mistakes, the will to keep growing, mentally and physically. You're giving me purpose in life, babygirl do you understand?" Billie says smiling.
"You're making me cry" I say feeling my eyes getting teary.
"I didn't mean to make you cry, but it's important for me to let you know how much you've taught me, about love... thank your for still being here" Billie says.
"I love you forever baby" I say kissing her
"You're mine. Forever" Billie says hugging me.

"Awww" someone says
"Mom!" I say turning around.
"Be home by midnight honey" she says disappearing behind the bushes
"Jesus Christ" I say rolling my eyes.
"Your mom is amazing" Billie says giggling.
"She is" I say shaking my head.
"So wanna grab dinner?" Billie asks
"I'd love to!" I say
"Alright let's go" Billie says getting up.
I grab her by the hand as she helps me getting up.
"Where do you wanna eat?" Billie asks
"Somewhere new maybe?" I say
"What about Nic's On Beverly?" Billie recommends
"Sure, now that you chose where to eat, I'd like to pay" I say
"Are.. you sure?" Billie asks looking surprisingly at me.
"Of course! You deserve it baby" I say
"Damn I don't know what to say" Billie says
"What about thanks?" I say teasing her a little bit.
"I mean THANK YOU" Billie says smiling.

*after eating*

Billies POV

"Thanks for dinner baby it was delicious" I say
"That's the least thing I could do" melody says smiling at me.
"That plant based burger was absolutely amazing" she says
"It is"

"Let's get you home" I say
"Oh it's already this late.." melody says
"Yes" I say reaching for her hand as we walk out, side by side.

We get in the car.
"I'm not even tired" melody says stretching her arms over her head while yawning.
"I see" I say smiling to myself

*10 minutes later*

I look to my right.
She's asleep still holding my hand on her thigh.
How unpredictable.
She looks so tiny. I will never leave her side.
My baby.

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