Bloodlust pt.14

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{3 years ago} Hongjoong's POV

"Seonghwa! Where are you?" Hongjoong cried as he wandered around helplessly. In hopes of finding the older as he shove the overgrown grass away.

He was currently lost in the forest, along with his friend that has been gone for too long.

Hongjoong knelt down on the mud as he covered his face with his palm and started sobbing intensely. He remembered how he kept forcing the older to join him for a jungle trekking, and how the older tried to save him when he fell down then cliff. They both ended up falling to the deepest part of the forest and Hongjoong injured his ankle which caused him to not be able to walk.

The older sat him down on a flat ground and gave him his jacket to block out the cold. Seonghwa said that he would go around the forest to look for exit an and ordered Hongjoong to stay in place.

After making sure the younger was warm and had enough food, Seonghwa took off with only a bottle of water in hand.

It has been days since Seonghwa's gone, and his food was slowly running out. He had no choice but to walk around the area to search for things edible. He lived off of bird's eggs for days and somehow manages to find some edible berries. 

But what lingers around his mind was Seonghwa. He was gone for too long.. He was worried about the older, but he didn't wanna go look for him as the older told him not to.

"It's so quiet.." Hongjoong whispers to himself as he pulled up Seonghwa's jacket to cover his. It was already the 6th night since Seonghwa was gone.

"Hwa, where are you?" Hongjoong cried out, "I miss you.."

"Please come back, Hwa.." Hongjoong cried himself to sleep that night.

He woke up to crickets and cicadas loud calls and that was when he realized he couldn't stay there alone anymore.

He had to do something, he had to find Hwa. He had to bring him back.


Hongjoong cried as he buried deeper into his palm, until he heard it.

Someone calling for him. It was Hwa. His Seonghwa.

And he had brought backup, tons of them. Hongjoong shouted back, screaming at the top of his lungs as he ran towards Seonghwa, running straight towards the older's opened arms.


He screamed as he sat up suddenly. Tears of joy running down his cheeks as he looked around. 'Wait.. why am I still here? NONONONONO, was it all just a dream?'

"ARGHHHHHH!!!!" Hongjoong shouted as he tugged his hair.

His anger boiling, he's annoyed and he's scared. Angry at his mind for giving him false joy, annoyed at himself for not trying and scared of losing his sanity and his Hwa.

He was done of sitting around and wait. He stood up and grabbed his stuff as he walked off to the same direction Seonghwa did.

He walked and walked for what seems like hours until he came to a stop. It.. its a house..?

"Why is there a house here?" Hongjoong mumbled to himself as he approached it.

Taking cautious steps as he slowly pokes his head through the mirror.

His eyes widen at the sight and his anger immediately started to boil. He could feel something in him snap. His veins popped out of his neck as his breathing quickened. 

Inside the house was a boy, which looks just like Seonghwa. His hands were tied above his head and onto a pole, restraining his movements as he muffled loudly into the gag around his mouth. Hongjoong's eyes widen even more when he saw Seonghwa was naked down from his waists. Two other men were hovering over Seonghwa.

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