Bloodlust pt 41

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{6:01 AM} {two weeks later}

"Hyung.. Can I uhh, speak to you for a moment?" Yunho pokes his head into the living room, relieved to see Seonghwa sitting alone on the couch reading some papers.

Seonghwa nodded and gestured for Yunho to come forward.

"What's the matter, cub?" Seonghwa ruffles Yunho's hair out of habit, earning a small giggle from the hybrid.

"It's about us, no, me.." Yunho lowered his head as his voice wavered.

Seonghwa tilted his head, waiting patiently for Yunho to speak.

"KQ accepted me because I'm a hybrid.." Yunho started.

"Yes, I'm aware of that." 

"No I mean, only because I'm a hybrid." Yunho's words earned a confused look from Seonghwa.

"They've killed many more of my type just because they weren't strong enough. And, I can't get the thought off my mind. The fact that my kind were killed for something so ridiculous. I'm scared that more hybrids will be killed if this goes on."

"Woah woah, hold on, you mean KQ killed hybrids?" Seonghwa cut Yunho off, his tone raising slightly.

Yunho cleared his throat and nodded, guilt lacing his eyes as he instantly stood up, "I probably shouldn't tell you this, I-I'm sorry, please just forget everything I've told you."

"No no, Yunho, this is not something I could forget so easily." Seonghwa immediately pulled Yunho back to sit on the couch.

"Tell me everything you know, please." Seonghwa reassures Yunho, and so he did. He told Seonghwa everything he knew except the fact that Chan was behind this.

"This is sick.." Seonghwa furrowed his brows, he looked like as if he's having some deep thoughts.

"But, hyung, please don't tell anyone about this, including Hoongjoong-hyung. I just feel like this isn't the perfect time to spill it out, you know after the whole kidnapping thing.."

"I understand, I won't tell." Seonghwa smiles softly, "So you're telling me the wound on your arm is because of the injection?"

Yunho looked away and nodded, "They had to get it out of me, KQ can control me via the virus."

Yunho stole a quick glance at Seonghwa, and for a moment there, he saw a glimpse of worry and hurt from Seonghwa's eyes.

"I didn't mean to lie to you hyung. It's just that I couldn't process what had happened and I needed some time to give it a thought." Yunho gave Seonghwa his infamous puppy eyes, and god, no one could resist those eyes.

Seonghwa chuckled and nodded, "I understand, as long as you're fine then it doesn't bother me at all."

"So, what're you gonna do next?" Seonghwa caresses Yunho's hair softly as he brought up the next topic.

"I'm not sure really.. I don't even know what I should do with that information.." 

"It's okay, cub. You can take your time to think about it." Seonghwa ruffles Yunho's hair one last time before standing up from the couch, "Let's go for training now shall we?" Seonghwa must've noticed Hoongjoong walking out of the room, because the leader came out right after.

"Hey babe, you ready to go?" Hoongjoong pulled Seonghwa into a soft peck, noticing the giant hybrid standing beside, "Good morning, cub, how're you feeling?"

"I'm fineee, ready to kick some ass!" Yunho shifted back into his cheerful self and shouts.

Hoongjoong chuckled and nodded, "Well, we'll be heading out now, you be careful okay?" 

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