Bloodlust pt 39

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A/N : Holy shit thank you all for 5k reads😭❤️

"What do you mean someone took my cubs?" Jihyo screeched as she took in the informtation from Hong Joong. The Elites exchanged glances, not having the guts to speak.

Mingi and San were sitting at the corner of the room, being abnormally quiet. But the boys know not to bother them for the time being as their loved ones were just kidnapped. Mingi had his palm on his face, a gloomy aura hovered around the two, making the atmosphere even more depressing.

"We'll bring them back, don't worry." Eden reassures softly as he placed his palm on San's shoulder. The two looked up and shot him a grateful look.

"I mean, look at Jihyo, she's ready to kick some ass." Eden jokes as he jerks his chin towards Jihyo. Which had successfully lifted the mood a little.

"Well then, go take some rest, we'll start the searching tomorrow. I'll talk to the government about this, you guys would probably be dismissed from missions for a few days. So go take some rest. And don't do anything stupid." Eden's words earned nods from the boys, except for San and Mingi.

Once sending Eden and the pissed Jihyo off, the Elites all gathered around the two gloomy boys.

"They'll be fine, guys, i'm sure." Seonghwa says softly as he pulled the two into a tight hug.

"But, but what if.. what of they were hurting them? What if they were scared and crying now..?" San's voice broke as he spoke, which broke the everyone's heart.

"I don't want Yunho to go through this again, he's gone through so much shit and the last thing I would want him to experience was being kidnapped again." Mingi mumbled as he buries his face deeper into Seonghwa's shoulder.

"It's all my fault, I should've paid more attention to the surroundings.. I failed as a leader.." Hong Joong's small voice interrupted the two.

San and Mingi immediately raised their heads to look at Hong Joong. That's right, Hong Joong's probably having a rough time too.. 

"It's no one's fault, no one expected this to happen. We'll find them I promise. For now I'll need all of you to stay strong for me okay?" Seonghwa softly assures, hugging the two tightly in the process.

"And I mean you two too, Jongho, Yeosang." Seonghwa casually calls out to the two lad who were already a sobbing mess on the couch.

Hong Joong couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh at the two mess on the couch.

"They'll be fine." Seonghwa whispers.


"What the hell is this? Where am I? Let me go!" Wooyoung shouts as he watch two man casually sitting beside his bed and removing the cuffs that were holding him down.

"We might need you to calm down slightly. We're letting you go now so just stop shouting.." One of the man spoke, his voice creepily low and it didn't fail to send shiver down Wooyoung's spine.

"Huh..? What's the point of kidnapping me if you're just letting me go so easily?" Wooyoung let out a confused sound as he felt his wrist being free and the blood could finally flow through it.

"We never meant to hurt any one of you in the first place, you were just being difficult so we had to cuff you down." The other man replied as he freed Wooyoung's legs.

"So.. where's Yunho?" 

The two man stole a quick glance at each other and looked away. "We'll let you see him tomorrow. Stay in here for the time being."

BLOODLUST {Yungi}Where stories live. Discover now