Bloodlust Pt 36

796 56 13

Warning : violence and blood

"Boys, watchu wanna eat for lunch?" Seonghwa asked as he walked out to the living room, seeing everyone cuddling up on the couch made his heart melt.

Mingi, Jongho and Wooyoung are cuddled up in the big couch while San, Yunho and Yeosang were cuddling on the smaller couch. They all were focused on the movie playing that they didn't realized Seonghwa had entered the living room.

"Kids." Seonghwa chuckled and walked towards them, giving Jongho a soft ruffle on the hair.

"Ah, Seonghwa-hyung." Jongho perks up from the fluffy blanket, gaining attention from the others.

"Hyung, wanna join?" Yunho asks, moving deeper into the couch and giving Seonghwa some space.

"No, it's fine. I just wanna ask what you guys want for lunch?" Seonghwa shook his head fondly.

"Ah! Pizza please!" Wooyoung's eyes sparkled and he wiggled around the couch out of Mingi's hold, which made Mingi pout at the lost of warmth from the smaller.

"Okay then, I'll order. Hongjoong and I will be resting in our room. Call us if you need anything." Seonghwa replies softly and walked back into his room.

"I'm sure they're doing something naughty in the room but I don't wanna know." Yeosang chuckles out, earning fits of giggles from Yunho.

After a few minutes of chattering, they all focused back on the movie as it started to get intense.

"Ah, holy shit! He's lucky he didn't get bitten!" San shouts. The guy in the movie was running away from the zombies and he luckily escaped all of them.

The movie soon came to an end and the boys were all discussing about the movie when suddenly their doorbell rang.

"Oh! Pizza's here!" Jonghos eyes sparkled and he skipped towards the door. Happy that their food had arrived.

But nothing was heard except a loud thud, instantly alarming everyone in the living room.

"Jongho?" Yeosang shouts out, yet no response were given.

The Elites eyed each other, knowing full well that something was wrong.

"Someone else is here." Yunho says suddenly as he detected an unknown smell. Beads of cold sweat started pooling out of his forehead.

"Fun." San whispers out and he grabbed his and Wooyoung's knife on the table top. He passed Wooyoung his knife and walked towards the front door.

Yunho quickly pulled San back. He shook his head, "There's more than one."

"Min, call the elders." Yeosang quickly turned to Mingi and the lad nodded, not wasting another second and ran to call Seonghwa and Hongjoong.

Yunho let out a low growl of warning as the scent of the intruders got closer and closer.

After calling the olders, Mingi tip-toed his way out of the mansion and into his gun room.

He grabbed a few handguns and a rifle. He didn't return back into the mansion, instead he climb on top of his gun house and laid there. Setting up his sniper and aiming towards the living room where everyone else is in. Ready to back up in case a fight broke out.

Yunho noticed Mingi's scent wavering further and that's when he knew Mingi's already done setting up.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa came out soon after Mingi called them.

Hongjoong gestured to Yeosang and Yunho to go out through the back door and block the entrance, not allowing the intruders have any chance of escaping. Leaving San, Wooyoung, Seonghwa and Hongjoong in the living room.

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