Chapter 28: Running With the Wolf

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It's been a month since the whole David talk thing. It has been getting better with both Greyson and David, but there were still some bumps in the road. Kill rates from David have gone down slightly, but there's still some work to be done with him. David met Greyson's sisters and the girls learned to love him. Danni was the one who loved him at first sight, much to James' disappointment became she's not a big fan of him, but there's still the love in their relationship. Remus' relationship with David has been getting better in a way. They've been talking a bit when he came over to Greyson's house and he was there. They know that they won't be on the bestest of terms, like they used to be, but he knew that they would be getting along better than before the whole David going on a rampage thing.

"Hey Moony?" Sirius getting his werewolf boyfriend's attention. They are in Remus' room cuddling before the full moon rises tonight. James and Peter aren't going to be with them tonight because Sirius asked them if they can have alone time during this full moon.

"Yeah Pads?" Remus answered his boyfriend's call to him, his eyes being close, wrapped in Sirius' arms.

"So I was thinking that tonight we could go to that hill that I brought you to on our first date? I have something there for you."

"Do you now?" Remus hummed.

"Yes I do," Sirius stated simply.

"Why tonight though? It's a full moon and you know I won't be able to talk to you once I'm in my wolf form."

"Yeah I know, but I think it's best that you're in your wolf form for what I have planned."

"Is this basically our second date, but our first with me being in my true form?" Remus now opening his eyes, revealing his beautiful golden, amber eyes to Sirius' grey ones.

"I guess you can say it like that," Sirius explained.

They sat in silence for a moment before Remus said, "do you want to go there now or?"

"No I want to go at night time. Plus, I want to race you there."

"You sure you can beat me? I'm the werewolf here."

"Yes you are the werewolf in this relationship, but that doesn't mean that I'm not athletic and can't run fast."

"Ah yes mister football(soccer) player. I'm so scared that you're going to beat me in a race."

"Was that sarcasm I here?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. You'll never know," Remus pulling a challenging face towards Sirius.

"Oh you bet I can't beat you? Or even being close?"

"Yes that's what's I'm saying mister dog."

"Did you just call me a dog?"

"Well you're basically named after a dog."

"Well that hurt."

"Blame your parents."

"But then my name wouldn't be related to you in a way."

"And how is your name related to me in anyway?"

"Because the constellation I'm named after is a dog. You're a werewolf. Dogs are like around ninety-seven percent wolf. So to conclude my conclusion of why my name relates to you in a way is because dogs are related to wolves and werewolves in so many ways."

"I didn't know you knew that," Remus was very bewildered at this. Since when did Sirius know this stuff, especially since we don't learn it at school.

"Went to a wolf conservatory. You learn a thing or from those people."

"When did you go there?"

"I went when I was maybe around eleven years old? Maybe twelve? I went with James and his mom and dad. It was really cool and I was glad to experience that, especially since I know that my parents would never let me go," Sirius frowned at that last statement.

Remus gave him a sympathetic kind of look then kissed his nose.

"Why don't we get ready to leave then?" Remus said.

"Yeah let's get ready," Sirius smiled.


The full moon is finally up and Remus is in his wolf form ready to race Sirius to their spot. The spot where they went to last on their first date. Sirius was making sure he was ready by double checking his shoe laces and all that. Once he was finally done he started to the door, Remus right behind him, and went outside.

"You ready Moony?" Sirius said.

Remus wagged his tail with his mouth open and tongue hanging out for confirmation that he was ready.

Sirius put a small smile on his face and said, "yeah I'm ready too. Ok then," Sirius went to the ground to get in a ready position with Remus doing the same exact thing. "On your marks. Get set," Sirius waited a few seconds and then finally said, "potatoes!"

Remus almost ran off, but then realized Sirius didn't say go. He gave him a look saying are you actually kidding me while Sirius fell to the floor and started laughing.

"Sorry Remus I had to!" Sirius still shaking with laughter. "Ok I'll actually do it this time," Sirius getting up to get back in his running position. "Ok. On your mark. Get set. Go!" And they were off.

Sirius and Remus were both going at a similar speed at the moment, but that didn't mean Remus wasn't in the lead. They stayed like that for awhile until Sirius decided pick up his pace a little more. He was now neck and neck with Remus. Wind blowing through his hair. The cool night air on his face. This was a perfect night of the full moon with Remus, and he wouldn't change it for the world.

As they were getting closer to the hill the more tired Sirius was starting to get, but that didn't stop him. He kept running and running, Remus right next to him, who is almost as equally as tired, but still has more energy because of his wolf side.

They finally got up the hill, Remus winning the race in the end, and Sirius just passed out to the ground. He was still up, but he felt like he was going to die at any moment.

Remus goes up to him and looks into his eyes with concern. All Sirius does is smile that reaches to his grey eyes and says, "that was so much fun Rem." Remus licks his face in affection and Sirius laughs at his boyfriend's actions. Remus lays down on top of Sirius, giving an oof sound on Sirius' part. Sirius started stroking Remus fur and says, "I love you so much Remmy," and the rest of the night was silent until they had to go home.

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