A Fiery Show

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I hoped up and down, today Daddy and Mummy were preforming on the greatest west end stage ever. We were allowed to come watch but they made us dress up in fancy outfits. I wore a white dress shirt and black trousers with a green blazer to match my unkept hair.

Ichika was by my side, her long green hair falling in front of her eyes. She had a long white dress with a jade green bow on it to bring out her eyes. She was giggling while holding onto Kacchan's arm.

Kacchan was my best friend and god brother. He was used to us getting over excited, specially Ika, who was two years younger than us. "Will you calm the fuck down?!"

"Katsuki! Don't swear!" Auntie Mitsuki slapped the back of Kacchan's head making him scream back.

"Don't tell me what to do you old hag!" His comment was met with another slap to the back of his head.

"If you don't calm down them we might now be allowed in," Uncle Masaru said quickly, holding his arms up in a small attempt to create peace.

Ika let go of Kacchan's arm and instead talked him me about the play with me. I couldn't wait to see Daddy preform, he was lead actor and the main character. Mummy was also going to preform but she was a musician and sat in the orchestra.

Eventaully, we were allowed in and went to our seats on the front row. Auntie Matsuki told us about the play and some basic background but we already knew all that.

Eventually, the lights at the back dimmed, and the spot light hit the narrator. "Through out history, there has been many times of peace and war. In times of peace, the land prospers and the people would eat food of plenty. In time of war, the land in destroyed, food run short and tempers run high."

The narrator disappeared into the shadows. and Daddy appeared in the centre of the stage, singing the first song.

Time drew on, the songs and words twisted to create a new world. The play was about a spy- played by my daddy- and his attempt to bring down both sides of the war he didn't believe in. He created a his group, a third group and it was the big fanarly.

"Listen here, you lot! When I look around me, what did I see? Do I see people begging for food in the streets?! No! Do I see a mindless rabble fighting without thought?! No. Do I see a cowardly group hiding from the fight?! No! I see people who have decided against the side they do not think right! I see people who are going to chose what they think is right next! I see people who have come so far from the far boys, the office workers, the students that you were before! We have seen many people die around us but, we won't stop! We have lost our families, friends, lovers, but we won't stop! We have lost and lost and all for this cause! All for this fight! We shall be victorious! We shall have our win!"

The crowd cheered- or at least would have if the stage hadn't been surrounded in fire. Screams filled the air. Panic being obvious.

It hurt! My face hurt, burning heat surrounding my cheek and neck, my shoulder was screaming, a sharp pain digging into it. My ears were ringing and white dots covered my eyes. I could feel someone picking me up and moving me away from the fires.

"Kat... take... protect..."

I felt a pair of arms hugging me, crying into my chest as another held us both. I could vuagly hear Ika crying. She was clutching her arm in pain as Kacchan held leg, thick red blood pooling out and onto the floor.

The Quirky Art of PreformanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant