United Stunt Joint

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"Everyone get into alethibical order!" Iida waved his arm around frantically, ordering us into getting semi organised. Of course it didn't do anything, but it was nice of him to try.

Kacchan was talking to Mina while I was talking to Kirishima and Hatsume. Both Kirishima and Hatsume seemed extremely excited to head out, since they both love stunts and the whole of today was dedicated to them.

I wasn't that excited. Actually, I was nervous. I always struggled with stunts. Kacchan said it was funny since I could dance easily but I couldn't do a fake fight to save my life. I twisted my fingers through my shirt, chewing onto my lower lip.

"Hey, you okay," Kirishima asked me, laying his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah... I'm just a little nervous," I explained as Kirishima brought me into a hug.

"Hey, don't worry about it! We can look after you and we have my baby to help us," Hatsume screamed, her griffin roaring.

I let out a small laugh as the bus pulled up to let us on. The actual seating plan got in the way of Iida's theatrical seating plan.

I sat beside Kirishima and Tsu while Hastume was forced to sit behind Aizawa for trying to sneak on a Griffin, though why they thought she would do anything else was beyond me.

"I generally say what's on my mind, Mirodiya," Tsu stated, causing me to look at her.

"Oh, what is it Tsu?" I tilted my head slightly, receiving a scald from Kacchan while doing so. Something along the lines of, 'don't act so childish,' but I only stuck my tongue out at him and turned back to my friend.

"Well, it's just, you and Bakugo seem very close."

I let out a little laugh before nodding. "Well that does tend to happen when you grow up as brothers."

"What do you mean? Was your parents really close or something?" It was Kirishima who asked us but he didn't seem to notice the dark aura that surrounded both Kacchan and me.

"My parents are dead," I whispered, making him free.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry..." Kirishima pulled me into a hug as I shook my head. "What happened...?"

"Kirishima," Jiro hissed, throwing a pen at the back of his head.

"No, it's fine. They died during a terrorist attack. Dad was a great actor while Mum was a musician. They died during a performance," I explained, leaning into Krishima's shoulder. "Kacchan and his family took me in after that. They looked after me and are my family."

"Your father was an actor? That explains why you are so good, it is in your blood," Kirishima awed, a goofy smile on his face.

"Yeah, I guess so."

Our little moment was interrupted with the bus coming to an uneven stop. Aizawa ordered us off as we could see the familiar large dome.

I noticed Kacchan dragging Kirishima off for a split second before Mina and Hatsume dragged me into the building.

Inside there was a mix of different environments to practice in. There is a ship, and a mudslide, and a series of buildings encased in fire. How did a school afford all this?!

In front of the stairs down to the main courtyard was the famous stunt actress, Thirteen. Almost no one knew her real name. Apartly it gave the performance bad luck and so they stopped saying it and chose to call her thirteen instead. Though, since that is bad luck anyway I'm not sure I understand the point.

Aizawa walked forward, confused by the lack of All Might's presence. He was meant to be teaching us today, as he is an actor who famously did all his own stunts. I wonder why he isn't here.

Aizawa and Thirteen talked off at the side, clearly not wanting us to over hear what was being said. That was a little weird, but then again they were adults and adults were weird.

Thirteen walked into the middle of the path, opening her arms to start the speech that I have a feeling she has repeated every year since she started working here. "Before we start, I have one or two points. Or three... four... As I'm sure many of you are aware, I am a stunt double. I can do many different things that are very important to many different types of moves. From a thriller sword fight to a speeding car chase."

I heard many people awing at Thirteen's speech, leaning in to listen more intently.

"However, even after year of studying in every stunt style possible, even I still get hurt from time to time." To prove her point, Thirteen pulled off one of her gloves to show a nasty burn mark. The student audibly gasped and let fear set in their hearts. "In a society were more and more tension is needed to make the movie exciting, people can be put to the extreme of their abilities. We must never forget that it only takes one wrong move during the middle of a stunt for people to get hurt or worse die."

Well... this is not helping my nerves. Kirishima gently laid his hand on my shoulder to help me relax at Thirteen's words.

"During Aizawa's skills test, you came to learn of your own hidden potential. Through All Might's acting training, you learn to be impulsive and listen to each other. This class will show you a new perspective. You will learn to trust one another and how to react if something does go wrong. I hope you leave here today with the understanding that you're never alone on a film, TV or stage. That is all! I thank you for listening!" Thirteen bowed deeply after her speech while everyone clapped.

"Woah, you've extras," Kaminari gasped, looking at the group of people who walked out of various hiding spots.

In a second, I felt my heart stop. It couldn't be.

"They are not extras," Aizawa exclaimed, running out in front of us.

"Then who are they," Mina asked, fear making her voice quiver.

Growling, Kacchan walked out in front of us. "That's the bastard that killed Auntie Inko and Uncle Hisashi."

It was them.

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