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~Momo POV~
I watched my girlfriend sadly. I know something is wrong. I've known for a few weeks now. She has been less focused on her work, spends less time playing music and has avoided me whenever certain people were around.

Most people she avoided I knew the reason for, but I didn't understand why she was avoiding me and Charlie.

"Momo! Focus, we need to get this music done!" I snapped back to reality when Present Mic screamed at me. He was helping me study for the exams since he could play a series of different instruments. He was a big help. Most of the teachers had agreed to stay over the weekend for us.

"Right, I apologise, what should I do next?"

When the session is over, I will talk to Kyoka, but until then I have to finish composing.

"Kyoka! Wait up," I called out, running towards her.

"Where are you two going?" Charlie jumped up to our side, wrapping her arms around both our shoulders without thinking.

Kyoka looked down, avoiding our looks. "I need to practice," she said dejectedly, pushing us away and going down to one of the disused practice rooms.

"What's got her so down, Yaomomo?" Charlie wrapped her other arm around me while smirking. "But we could spend some time together without her, I need to practice my drawing, will you be my muse?"

"Sorry, I need to talk to her." I ducked out of her arms and walked after my girlfriend.

"Wait! Yao-Momo!"

When I got to the room I could hear an acoustic guitar playing. "I am torn. Am I broken? Why can't I just decide? I already have her, the love of my life. Why can't I just be happy with what I have?"

I couldn't stop the pit in my stomach from forming, I wrote all the songs we are going to use in the exam; that was not one of them.

I gently knocked on the door causing her to play the wrong cord. "Kyoka, it's me. Can I come in?"

"Yeah. You can." I could hear her putting down her guitar as I pushed open the door. She was in one of the performance rooms, multiple rows leading away from a small stage. She was sitting on the third row with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong Kyoka?" I carefully sat beside her, wiping the falling tears off her cheeks.
Kyoka shook her head while looking away.

"Please Kyoka, talk to me. I am your girlfriend, you can talk to me."

"No I can't! That's the reason I can't. You don't understand." Kyoka practically curled up as she sobbed into her arms.

I didn't know what to do, I've never seen her like this.

"There's something wrong with me."

I quickly drew her into a hug, rocking her back and forth softly- just like how my mum used to do for me when I was upset. "There is nothing wrong with you. Nothing at all." I stroked her head and rubbed her back.

"You do not know that."

"Tell me what's wrong so I can work that out but I'm sure there is nothing you could tell me that would  change my mind."

Kyoka avoided my eyes, she looked so hurt. "I-I think..." I couldn't work out anything else she said as she mumbled the end.

"Kyoka, sweetie, please say that again. I did not catch what you said."

"I might have a crush on Charlie okay?! I've tried to ignore it but everytime I see her." Kyoka stopped herself before crying harder.

"Kyoka," I paused to think. I couldn't deny that I too found the idea of dating Charlie quite pleasing, she had a good personality and wasn't too bad on the eyes- not Kyoka level but close. "Do you love me?"

"Of course I do." Kyoka gave me a hurt look, practically begging me to believe her.

"Do you love her?"

Kyoka hesitated, she didn't know what to say. "I-I... I think so. She makes me smile like you do, she can brighten my day and it hurts when she isn't happy. Every day all I want is for both of you to be happy. But I know I'm not meant to, I should only care about you."

"Why would that be?"

Once again, she seemed to not know what to say. "You're my girlfriend. She is just a stupid crush that will go away."

"Kyoka? It doesn't sound like it's going away. Do you know what a poly relationship is?" I looked down at her as she slowly shook her head. "It's when three or more people are in a relationship. They are all partners and love each other equally."

Kyoka pulled away from me so she could look at me. "You’re... you're suggesting we start a poly relationship?"

I smiled at her while nodding. "Yes, I love you, and I might have a crush on Charlie. We can all date each other."

Kyoka opened and closed her mouth, a complete loss for words. She looked so adorable when she was confused, I wonder if Charlie has the same expression. That would be cute.

We were both drawn out of our thoughts when a knock sounded on the door. Looking over, we could see Charlie standing awkwardly in the door frame. She kept fiddling with her sleeve and twitching on her feet.

Kyoka quickly blushed and got out of my lap, unsure of what to say. How long has Charlie been standing there? Had she overheard us? What is she thinking? Did she like the idea or was she ignoring it?

Charlie too didn't look like she knew what to say, she had a light blush dusting her cheeks.

Noticing neither were going to say anything, I took control over the situation. "Can we help you, Charlie?"

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I was just worried about Kyoka. I'm sorry." Charlie shifted from foot to foot, avoiding our glazes.

"Just leave," Kyoka said, already accepting rejection.

"No! That's not... listen... I..." Charlie fell over her words, something we hadn't ever seen, even when she had first come.

I went to hug Kyoka while watching Charlie. I ran my fingers through Jiro’s hair, silently wishing Charlie would just speak her mind rather than prolonging my Jiro’s pain. "If you wish to say something, then please do."

"I- I like you. Both of you. Ever since I first saw you performing on that first day. You were amazing, like angels so I understand if you don't want me." Charlie turned around to leave.

Was she not listening? I dashed up, hopped off the third level benches and swiftly grabbed her wrist and guided her back to Kyoka's side. Nodding when she brought Kyoka into a hug. "Of course we want you. Somehow you have an unique ability to listen but not hear. If we didn’t, we wouldn’t be in here." I gently pressed a kiss on Charlie's lips, being soft and caring before doing the same with Kyoka.

I could see Charlie was a blushing mess, that must have been her first kiss, but I could see her smile as she gently pressed her fingers against her lips.

Kyoka's smile was blinding as she pulled both of us into a hug and snapped Charlie out of her daze.

These were my girlfriends. They were perfect. Everything was perfect when they were in my arms.

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