The Evening Off

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I ran up to Enji's side, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Morning Enji!"

Enji smiled at me, spinning around in my arms to look at me. "Morning Izu." He gently kissed me before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me towards the classroom. Guess that is one benefit of working in theatre, they couldn't care less about who was gay or not so we could be free about our feelings.

When we walked in, I was surprised to see Charlie was already here since Enji and decided to come earlier so I could help him through memorising some of the case studies. Charlie was texting someone on her phone- yet again as she waited for someone- glancing at the door every five minutes.

I wonder who she was waiting for.

Deciding to put it to the side for now, I went over the case study of Shigemi Kiyomi who was a famous costume designer fifty odd years ago. I showed Enji some of the designs she came up with and talked about why they were so important to the development of modern costume design.

Of course our attention went back to Charlie when she got up and walked across the classroom. "Hello! I'm Charlie, if you didn't get that yesterday. I saw you play yesterday. You were amazing!"

Wha- what just happened? Since when was Charlie hyper and bubbly?

Jiro and Momo seemed equally shocked as they stared at her. Jiro was the first to recover. "Oh, well, thank you? I didn't know you watched us perform."

"Oh, I did! You were spectacular. If you ever need a third player I can play many different instruments." Charlie seemed weirdly happy and she seemed like she was trying to impress them.

"Really? What instruments can you play?"

"I can sing, play the flute and can play the drums."

"The Flute and the drums," Yao-momo questioned with confusion on her face. "They are too very different instruments."

"Yeah but that's because I'm not great at using two hands for different things so most are difficult for me but I find the drums and flute pretty easy."

Charlie continued to talk to Yao-momo and Jiro as they went to the back, sitting around Yao-momo's desk.

"That's weird, isn't it?" Kacchan sat down in front of us, looking back at Charlie as if she was wearing a chicken hat and a sausage outfit.

"Yeah." Nodding, we pried our eyes away from the highly strange scene. It was too weird for us.

Practicing for an exam when you don't know what the test is about is a very hard thing. Revising wasn't so bad as it was just to recap everything we had learnt. That was just like any other test.

The practical side of things was a little more complicated. We practiced everything we could think of. We did stunts and scenes and practiced drawing and writing and playing and dancing and making. After weeks of cramming, we will be mentally and physically drained but we will win, that is what this is about. Every Friday for the last two, we have been meeting up at a cafe. Our exams start next Monday which gives us the weekend to study, most of us going into school to access their superior resources.

Enji, Kacchan, Mina, Jiro, Yao-momo, Charlie and I were going out for a relaxing day before the exams start tomorrow. Jiro was acting a little weirdly, she was avoiding both Yao-momo and Charlie's glazes but that didn't stop Charlie talking to her.

Kacchan and Mina were talking about makeup and going on about which brands were the best while Enji was talking about the different stunts he wanted to try.

My boyfriend is so cute.

We arrived at a small cafe that was near the school. We split into two groups, Charlie, Kacchan and I had to go find some seats while the rest got us the drinks.

"Hey, Charlie? Are you still talking to your online friends?" I tilted my head as we sat down in the seats we found.

"Well, of course. Admittedly not as much as I used to, maybe I should text them." Charlie pulled out her phone as she typed out a message.

"I didn't mean for you to talk to them now!"

"Too late!"

Charlie ignored us as she went through her messages and sent the one to her closest online friend.

When the rest came back over she was pouting as her friend had not responded. Enji slid me over a hot chocolate and brownie while Kacchan received a black coffee and Charlie got an ice tea. Yao-momo had a green tea and Jiro got herself a Mocha and blueberry muffin while Mina had a flat white millionaire's shortbread and Enji had a hot chocolate like me.

"What's wrong with Charlie?" Yao-momo sat up right, sipping at her tea with a pleased smile.

"She tried texting one of her friends but the friend hasn't responded yet," I explained before breaking a bit of my brownie off and putting it in my mouth, humming in delight.

"Oh? Maybe we should exchange numbers so we can add you to the group chat," Mina suggested with a smile. "That chat is a lifesaver!"

"It wouldn't be if you wrote down when you got assignments," Kacchan pointed out bluntly.

"Naw, this is better!"

Charlie was more than glad to give Yao-momo her phone number. "Do you want my social media too?! That way you can see the stuff I do!" Yao-momo nodded, making her smile. "It's MegaSimp22! Don't blame me for the name, Nami made it."

"Wait... what?" We looked at Jiro who was staring at Charlie with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm Punk_Rock4328!"

"No way!"

Enji and Mina looked confused while I was laughing. "You are the one who shouted at Charlie at the hospital! No wonder the voice felt familiar! Oh gosh, you realise Aizawa and Present mic heard you, right?!"

Kacchan was snickering while Jiro was blushing.

"Hey there, long time no see!" This time it was Leif who came up to us. He had his arm slung around Todoroki's shoulder and a take out drink of some kind in his hand. "What's up little children of chaos? I heard you got a new student, this her?"

Charlie nodded offering out her hand. "Charlie Fowler. Might I ask who you are?"

"I am the most dazzling dancer in this school, Leif! You already know my incredible dancer boyfriend I assume," Leif introduced himself ridiculously.

"Yeah, I know Todoroki. Didn't know he had a boyfriend though."

"Aww, Shoto not told you about me? How sadening? So, Charlie, how are you liking U.A? Anyone caught your eyes?"

Before Charlie could question what Leif was talking about Mina jumped up. "Oh no! It's happening! We're being surrounded by power couples! Quickly Katsuki, Charlie, run for your single status!" Mina grabbed Bakugo and Charlie, both barely grabbing their drinks and Bakugo way also able to grab Mina's.

"Calm the fuck down Mina!"

"Who says I want to be single?!"

Mirio watched the trio leave, placing down his drink as he joined us with Kakashi by his side. He leaned into the other teen's arms and sipped at his drink while Kakashi spoke. "What's got them running away? Can't they handle the gay that is you two?"

"Apparently not," Leif shouted loudly only to be shushed by Todoroki. "Aww, Shoto, why can't I be loud when I have you to shout about."

"Seriously, can you two stop being gay for one minute?"

"Never! Besides, youre not any better Mr K+M heart over the front of his notebook!"

"I-I... Shut up!"

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