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Todoroki was watching me as we listened to the explanation Present Mic was giving. "Alright! It is finally the finals and we are pumping it up! Our two first year students will be given two third years to work with! On Todoroki's team, we've got Leif Ikeda and Mirio Togata, while on Midoriya's team, we got Nejire Hado and Tamaki Amajiki!"

I was being flanked by the blue haired girl while Todoroki had Leif behind him. Both Tamaki and Mirio were working backstage on the special effects to make us look good. Naturally, as I had only met both third years helping me earlier today, Todoroki would have an advantage over me but the song was not one I would put with Todoroki's 'acting' perallice.

Of course I should have guessed that was the point.

The first few notes were soft and quiet. Tamaki and Mirio got the same idea of using a mixture of mist and lights to make the whole thing dramatic. We had decided to play off the theme of the song. I pretended to be in control of Nejire while she tried to get out, managing it as I started to sing. "Hey dad, look at me. Think back and talk to me. Did I grow up according to plan?"

Nejire danced around the stage, making full use of the smog and lights. Todoroki and Leif had yet to do anything.

"And do you think I'm wasting my time, doing things I want to do? But it hurts when you disapprove all along. And now I try hard to make, I just want you to make you proud. I'm never gonna be good enough for you. Can't pretend that I'm alright and you can't change me!"

"'Cause we lost it all, nothing lasts forever. I'm sorry, I can't be perfect." I put all my emotion into the song, every thought about dad's legacy bouncing around my head.

"He's good," Leif muttered under his breath before turning to Todoroki. "But you're better." Without warning, Leif pushed Todoroki forward as I finished the chorus.

Todoroki looked a little unsure of what to do but one glance at the crowd and his mind was settled. "I try not to think about the pain I feel inside. Did you know you used to be my hero?" Leif was smiling proudly, dancing around Todoroki and joining Nejire. Todoroki's singing made it almost feel like the song was his. His lyrics. His story. His notes.

Well, suddenly this got hard.

"All the days you spent with me, now seem so far away and it feels like you don't care anymore. And now I try hard to make it, I just wanna make you proud. I'm never gonna be good enough for you. I can't stand another fight. And nothing's alright."

Joining in with Todoroki we sang the chorus together. "'Cause we lost it all. Nothing lasts forever. I'm sorry I can't be perfect.Now it's just too late and we can't go back. I'm sorry I can't be perfect."

I didn't even get a chance at the bridge, Todoroki seemed to have forgotten that I was there. Rude.

"Nothing gonna change the things that you said. Nothing's gonna make this right again! Please don't turn your back, I can't believe it's hard just to talk to you! But you don't understand!"

I echoed some of his words but mainly focused on the dance Nejire and I was doing. I took back over the chorus but Todoroki definitely outshined me to the point I wasn't sure if my singing was doing anything.

Todoroki and Leif danced perfectly, performing mainly tricks I had never been blessed to see in real life before. They were perfect together, flipping over and rolling and spinning. They finished with Leif dancing around Todoroki's torso before being pulled close to each other's face.

"I can't be perfect," I finished myself, Nejire going back 'under my control'.

I think we all know who one this.

Todoroki and Leif seemed to come out of their own little world and bowed to the crowd, hand in hand. Nejire patted my shoulder sympathetically as we both resigned ourselves to the failure.

Kacchan stood on the third podium, Tsu had been called away on a family emergency and was unable to finish the third place battle. Kacchan didn't want a place he didn't earn and therefore offered to share with Tsu. I was on the second place stand and Todoroki was above me in first place.

All Might had been drafted in to hand out the medals, congratulating Kacchan on his placing. "Good job young Bakugo! Though I believe your heart wasn't in it, you pulled off a great victory." Kacchan nodded, a light blush dusting his cheeks.

All Might turned to me, placing the silver medal around my neck. "Well done young Midoriya!" He pulled me into a hug, whispering the next part so only I could hear. "Your parents would have been proud of you."

Smiling, I beamed in his praise.

All Might turned to the first place, bringing the gold medal around Todoroki's neck but wasn't able to say anything before Endeavor pushed his way through the crowd. "He does not deserve that medal!"

Todoroki visibly paled, backing up ever so slightly as so he didn't fall off. Endeavor was positively fuming, looking like he was about to attack Todoroki. Both Kacchan and I got ready to help Todoroki, Auntie Misuki and Uncle Masura coming down from the stands.

"You should have acted Shoto! You are pathetic! Useless faggot who can't do-" Endeavor couldn't finish his sentance when he was punched by a very angry teen.

"How dare you?!" Leif stood protectively in front of the podium, pointing his finger accusingly. "Shoto has done a thousand times better since he started dancing than he ever has done as an actor! You pushed him and pushed him down a path he didn't want and now he is finally becoming himself again you want to push him down! You are not a worthy father, you are not a worthy actor, you're not even a worthy trash holder, you abusive shit! Now leave Shoto alone before you start to regret it!" Leif was shaking with anger, barely controlling himself from killing Endeavor right there and then.

"Who are you to talk to me like that about my own son?!"

"I am Leif Ikeda. I am a dancer and actor at U.A High school. And I am your son's dazzling boyfriend so you better get used to me or christmas dinner is going to get awkward!" As to prove and point, Leif hopped onto the podium next to Todoroki and pulled him into a hug, kissing him in front of everyone.

Endeavor looked like he was about to say something when Mitsuki walked in, punching her hand into her fist. "Don't even dare."

"Don't expect me to let you in my house after this!"

Leif glared at him before nuzzling into his boyfriend's neck. "Don't worry, you can stay at mine."

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