First Day Flipping

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Humming to myself, I waited for Charlie to arrive. Present mic made Bakugo, Kirishima and I promise to wait for Charlie and help her in. He was a little paranoid that Charlie would freak out or refuse to go, apparently, she didn't want to come here at all.

Kacchan was using his phone to check his makeup- yes, Kacchan was wearing makeup. It was a bit subtle but you could tell it was there in how his liner had been done and his skin looked smoother than normal.

Kacchan noticed me looking at him and blushed slightly, putting away his phone and avoiding my glaze. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything," I stated back with a smirk on my face. "It looks good on you. Did Mina teach you?"

Once again Bakugo blushed as he balled his fists. If I was anyone else, I'm sure he would have punched me but he doesn't want to hurt me so I get away with this stuff.

I felt someone throwing their arm around my shoulder as they spoke. "Yeah, Bakugo, really manly."

Kirishima was not so lucky to get the brother's immunity as Bakugo went to punch him. I ran forward, linking Kirishima and my hands as I dragged him away from Kacchan, circling the school. Eventually, we were beaten by Kacchan as he tackled us to the floor.

"You are worse than Nami."

Tilting up my head I spotted Charlie walking forward. She had a bored expression on my face and was looking at one of her online friends.

"We are not!" I quickly wriggled out from under Kacchan and grabbed Charlie's wrist, dragging her forward. "Come on, we are going to late if we don't hurry."


Glaring at her, I didn't let her go. Kirishima came up to us as he regretfully tried to start up a conversation with her. "So, Charlie, looking forward to going with us? You want to be a director right? Or an actor? That's what Midoriya told me you were doing at the theatre."

"I don't really mind. I went where Tori- where the company needed me."

"Well, you'll like it here. There is a lot we can do and we all get taught by specialists in their fields. I can't wait to show off my stunt skills! I learnt so much while at the agency! I'm still struggling with the double flip though so Midoriya and I am going to try doing it later today, do you want to join us?"

Charlie shrugged, making Kirishima deflate slightly. Poor Kirishima. I rubbed his back soothingly as we pulled up to the classroom, spotting Aizawa.

We left Charlie at the door and took our seats, waiting for her to be told to come in. I hope she doesn't try to run away.

"Alright, today you are getting a new student, come in and introduce yourself," Aizawa ordered tiredly, giving a nod of encouragement for Charlie as she walked to the front of the room.

"My name is Charlie Fowler, it is nice to meet you." Charlie bowed politely before pushing the glasses back up her nose.

Aizawa motioned for her to take Mineta's old seat as she sat down quietly. "On other news, your final exams are coming up. It will cover everything you have learnt so far." Aizawa curled up in the corner as the class broke off into its usual chatter.

"Wow, bad luck. I'm Kaminari Denki!" Kaminari held out his hand for Charlie as she nodded, staying on her phone.

"Are you still going to have the test since this is the first time you're in this school? That sounds a bit mean," Mina exclaimed with a hurt expression. "I'm Mina by the way."

That caught Charlie's attention. "Oh, so you're Mina Ashido. Makes sense."

"Huh? You've heard of me?! That's so cool! How?"

"Don't get excited Mina," Kirishima laughed, coming up to the group. "She knows you cause we've been talking about you." Kirishima motioned to himself and I while smirking.


"Because of Kacchan," I jumped up to join in, smiling at Charlie who rolled her eyes.

The others looked confused as I laughed.

"What do you think the exam will be about?"

"Maybe it will be like the entrance exam," Kaminari suggested, "you have to make something, design something and do something."

"That sounds likely," Sero finished as I pouted.

"You have no imagination. Since we get to free range until the exas, how about we go practice that flip, Kirishima?" I looked at Kirishima with hopeful eyes as he nodded.

"Come on Charlie, you're coming with us."

Charlie looked like she wanted to protest but we dragged her away. We pulled her to the specialised gym the had padded surfaces and a parkour park- it was brilliant. I ran to get changed before I freeranged in the area. I ran up one of the walls before flipping backwards, jumping back up and using my right hand to push myself back onto the wall- spinning over it.

I could hear Kirishima clapping as I jumped down and blushed.

"S-shall we start." I grabbed Kirishima and pulled him into the area. I brought him over to the part specially designed full flips and stood on the wall for a double. Kirishima looked nervous but I patted his shoulder encouragingly. "It'll be okay. The walls will protect you and I'll help you. Right, to do a backflip you need to use the momentum you get from the jump and curl your body right enough to keep spinning." I showed him what I meant, perfectly jumping and flipping twice before stitching the landing.

Kirishima clapped my efforts as I blushed once again. Every Time he did that, my heart skipped a bit faster. I climbed back up and attached the safety harness that stopped him breaking his neck.

"Right, you ready?" Kirishima nodded as I stood back. He leap up and managed to flip one and a half times, the harness spotting him a few inches from the ground. "Almost! Come on and we can try again!"

And we did. He tried and tried and tried but he didn't seem to be able to get it. Charlie had gotten bored and wondered off as Kirishima tried one more time.

"Come on! You can do this!"

Kirishima nodded at me before launching off the podium. I watched him fall, coming closer to the ground when he actually succeeded. He kind of just stood there, wonder and shock in his eyes.

"You did it!" I jumped up, flipped off the podium and ran up to hug him.

"I did it!" I lifted me up and spun me around. We laughed in each other's arms and we looked into each other's eyes.

I never noticed how beautiful his eyes are before. How did I not? They were amazing, vivid red that looked like precious gemstones. I tipped up on my toes as Kirishima leaned down. I could feel his breath on my lips, his eyelids were half closed as he stared at me. He closed the gap between us.

I felt sparks flare through my veins, like this was the first time I've ever been alive. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he held my waist. When he pulled apart a blush quickly covered his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Midoriya, I shouldn't have got carried away!"

"It's fine, if you like me that is."

"Of course I do! How could I not? You amazing, talented, beautiful..."

"You think I'm beautiful?"

Kirishima blushed more at my question. "Well, yeah. Of course you're beautiful Midoriya."

"Call me Izuku, as we are going to be boyfriends after all."

Ah! I think I've killed Enji!"

Charlie walked down the corridor with a scowl on her face. She didn't want to be here but her uncle was making her stay. Jumping at the door slamming open, Charlie peeked in. "Must have been the wind..."

Before she could leave, music started. She spun back around in time to see two 'angels' dancing in front of her. One playing the violin while one sang.

"Beautiful..." She might just stay after all.

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