Any Last Words?

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The pounding in my head was not helping me sleep. I did not want to wake up. I just wanted to curl up in Enjiro's arms and sleep a bit longer. But Enjiro wasn't here and I couldn't sleep any longer.

Blinking away the sleep, I looked around the room. I was dark and gloomy- just what you would expect. "Kacchan?"

"I'm here." I jumped a little from the grumpy voice a little to my left. He clearly had a headache too and was not liking it.

"Both of you shut up," Charlie ordered, rolling a little in her chair before freaking out that she couldn't actually move her arms. "H-hey, what's going on?! Let me go!"

"Cause there totally is someone here who is going to answer that."

There was a little pause as we peered around each other to see a familiar actor tied to a chair. "...Morning Namiyo," I said though it sounded more like a question.

"Morning Izu, Charlie... and... Katsuki! I knew I would get it. You were the one who always talked about that girl... uh, Mina, right?" Nami smirked at Kacchan's blush.

"We've been kidnapped and that's what you want to focus on," Kacchan asked with a slight squark.

"Yep! It's better than thinking about our inevitable death."


"To be fair, Kacchan, she did plan on writing a psychological horror just to prove a point to her mother," I commented with a light laugh.

"I am doing it! I was through the second chapter when these jackasses took me! When we get out, I'll show it to you," Nami promised with a smirk.

"If we get out," Charlie muttered with a sad aura.

Nami frowned, glaring at her. "If I could kick you I would. Of course, we got out. And you can read the novel."

Charlie let out a bitter laugh. "I would like that."

"You can read it with Kyoka and Yao-momo," I added with a smile.

"Oh? Who's that?" Nami leaned in, her eyes glistening dangerously.

"Charlie has found herself, two girlfriends."

"Hey, good job. I thought you were going to be lonely forever with your online crushes."

"H-Hey! Rude," Charlie complained.

"True," I corrected with a smirk. "Kyoka was one of her online friends."

Nami let out a loud laugh, leaning back against the stone chair. "That's brilliant. Sounds like something my mum would write though. So cheesy Charlie."

"S-shut up."

It was weird that we could laugh at the moment but then again, we were drama students, what did you expect? Normal people?

"When this is over, I'll finish the book. And you'll be the first to read it."

I swung my legs, trying to distract myself from what was happening around me. We had been moved- they hadn't even talked to us. We now faced a camera and had on gags to stop us talking.

Tomura walked out in front of us, a smirk on his face. He was creepy. He turned to the cameras and smiled more. Creepy. "Welcome, one and all, to our special broadcast. Us at the League of Villains has tried very hard to make sure no one gets out of one of our attacks, but there were a certain four who seemed to be a bit more resistant than the others." Tomura walked out the way to show us to the camera. Now that he had moved, we could see a small laptop where the video was being shown.

We looked awful- guess that is what happens when you don't get fed for two days and are kept in a dark basement of a weird terrorist society. Tomura walked around the back of our chairs, his smile growing even wider- was that even possible?

"Charlie, Katsuki, Izuku and Namiyo are nothing but thorns and in front of you all, live across Japan, they shall die!"

Our eyes widened as we started struggling more. Nami struggled the most, even freeing her legs, but one order from Tomura and she was tied down again.

Tomura in front of her, pulling down her gag as he looked in her eyes. "Any last words?"

"Fuck you," she spat, a wad of saliva hitting his eye. Tomura growled, wiping away Nami's sign of rebellion as he brought out a gun. He pointed it right between Nami's eyes, completely calm.

We started to struggle more but Nami just glared. She didn't look afraid- not at first glance at least. But if you looked in her eyes, there was a certain deep horror and regret that only someone preparing for death had. Her eyes met mine as she closed them. When they opened again, they were kind. A sweet, haunting smile on her face.

"Goodbye, Izu, look after Charlie for me," she whispered before turning back to Tomura. Charlie was screaming, being restrained by three others to keep her in place. "Go the fuck ahead you coward!"


I couldn't stop the scream that came out of my throat as I looked at Nami. A red circle stuck out against her skin, blood-splattered behind her head and staining the chair. A chilling smile of satisfaction plagued her lips, a final stand up against the man who held her life.

Tomura turned to Kacchan, pulling down his gag and pointing the gun at his forehead. "Any last words," he repeated.

Kacchan was letting a rare tear fall down his cheek, his hand twitched in its restraint, reaching out for more. "Izu, you alright know what I want to say. Look after Mina for me, and tell her-" he couldn't finish when a loud bang surrounded the room and Kacchan's head flew back.

I let out a pain-filled scream, my heart tearing into pieces. No, no, nonononono! this could not be happening! No! This was a bad dream! This wasn't real.


It was my turn, the gag was pulled out and the barrel faced me.

"Any last words?"

I couldn't say anything. What do you say? I could practically see Enjiro crying as he was forced to watch this, engraving it into his memory. I could see Ika screaming at the doctors for them to bring me back. I could see Aun- no, mum and dad crying as they lose two sons in one day. I could see it all and I couldn't do anything.

It was weak, barely a whisper, it wouldn't reach them, but all I could do was hope that it would. "I'm sorry... I love you. I love you all..."


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