Next step

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Without thinking, I dragged Kacchan towards the school. Today we started the second stage of the application to Yueii. Today was completely theoretical and arguably the hardest part of the Yueii application and entrance exams.

You see, it didn't just cover the sections you applied for but everything, you have to study every technique used in production, performance and design. We have to learn who the best in every field is and the different people who have affected how that world acts. From directors to musicians to prop masters, you have to learn everything, only about 10% of people can pass this exam enough to get in.

Kacchan believed he could pass the test without studying as he had spent most of the year studying but I wasn't about to let his arrogance ruin his chance and I forced myself to study every day since we got the letters. Well, every day but last night. Never study on the day before your exam.

By the time we got to Yueii, Kacchan was walking by my side and had stopped complaining about me ruining his morning routine; he cared way too much about his fitness.

We registered and were allowed in. We were directed towards an auditorium and had to sit in rows.

As the teacher was not here I talked to Kacchan about a new fashion designer who got into 'Shock Blue' which is practically the best fashion magazine ever! Kacchan didn't seem too bothered, he wasn't one that partially cared about high end fashion. He didn't mind street fashion and what was in the shops, he had a doesn't fashion sense so that was good but he wasn't one to keep up with the trends.

"Hello listeners!" We all shut up and look forward to where Hazashi Yamada stood. Hizashi was a musician best known for writing the music for the award winning film 'Battle Gun' and for presenting the hit radio show gaining him the name Present Mic. He was a conductor, musician and sound technician and would be teaching us if we got in. "Are you excited for the second stage of the Yueii exam?!"

A dead silence followed his question causing him to hesitate. "Over the next four hours you will be taking the next step into getting into the school! You will be taking this exam!" Present mic pulled out a collection of papers and showed them to us. "They will cover everything you will learn here. All of you have been given an allocated classroom and seat! Good luck and go beyond! Plus Ultra!"

Once again none of us said anything as we awkwardly walked out the door. I bidded goodbye to Kacchan who was assigned in a different room, most likely to stop cheating.

I sat in my seat as Nemuri Kayama walked into the room. Nemuri was a costume designer and did hair and makeup, she was best known for featuring in the 'Electric Line up' magazine and few doing the president's outfits. Nemuri now had gained the nickname Midnight and was working for Yueii.

"Alright, everyone will need to write answers in black pain, you may use a pencil, colouring pencils, a rubber, a ruler, a protractor and a calculator. There will be no talking or moving from your chair. If you drop something, put up your hand and I shall pick it up for you. If the alarm goes off, remain seated until we give you further instructions. If you are missing anything put your hand up now and if you have a lid on your calculator place it on the floor."

A shuffling of movement sounded around the room as Midnight gave out some supplies and students removed the lids, placing them under their table.

"You may now write your name on the front of your paper," Midnight said, causing us to pick up our paper and write in the boxes. "You have four hours to complete the test. The time is 10.30, you may start."

I flipped over the first page, reading over the information and question. As expected, the questions were awful. By the time it was over, I was dead mentally.

"Alright, if you don't have extra time, your time is up. Please stay seated until all your papers have been collected. You are still under the no talking role." Midnight walked up and down the illes, picking up the tests. When she got back to the front, she dismissed us row by row and let us leave. The second we got out, everyone started to complain about how hard the test was.

I ignored most of them and went to find Kacchan. He was waitin by the gate looking fed up. It was clear the exam was just as hard for him as it was for the rest of us.

"Hello Kacchan. Glad I made you study now?" I jumped up to him, hugging his arm to tease him.

"Whatever! Let just go eat! I'm starving!" Kacchan started to drag me away to a nearby café.

He's glad.

The days passed quickly as we waited for our results. Thankfully, we didn't have to wait long. Sadly, the letter wasn't made from a hologram and was literally just an acceptance letter telling us when to come. Strangely, both dates were different.

My final interview came first. I bided Kacchan and left, this time bringing food with me as I wasn't going to eat my lunch at three today. When I arrived at the school there were only about nine others in the now eerily quiet space.

"Welcome students!" A small mouse bear thing jumped onto the stage holding up his hand. He had white fur and ears and was wearing a suit. All of us stared at him in confusion and shock. Did someone put something in the water? "Oh, my apologies, this is just makeup. I am heading to a dress rehearsal in ten minutes. I am Nezu, I run this school. Today you will have five hours to complete a challenge using supplies we shall provide. Show us how creative you are and let your mind flow!"

Nezu walked off the stage and out the door without saying another thing.

Present mic came onto the stage with a smirk. "Alright listeners! In front of me are 15 topics placed neatly on the floor, behind me is a door leading backstage and to everything you will need. You will design something, produce something and perform something based on these topics! Choose wisely and impress us and your fellow candidates. The best from today will be presented in the Yeuii talent magazine or website so let's get started!" A huge countdown clock appeared above Present mic with red numbers. "Five hours, start now!"

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