Getting Out

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All Might looked at us, gently taking Mineta from Kacchan. He moved with a careful touch you wouldn't expect from such a large man. "Mineta..." He laid the small boy down, running his fingers over his eyelids to close them. "Get him out of here. All of you need to go."

"I am not going anywhere! Those bastards have killed enough people as it is, I'm not letting them kill one more," Kacchan screamed, getting up and walking forward.

"I am meant to protect you. As a teacher it is my job to protect you."

"Well I don't fucking care any more! Those people killed Izuku's parents! They are trying to kill him and us and you! I am not going to stand on the side lines anymore!" Kacchan grabbed a gun from the floor, easily shooting down the villains.


Kacchan ignored him, shooting more. He swapped the gun with every few steps. All Might was about to grab the gun when the villains shot back at him. They ducked to the side, looking back at the villains.

"We need to get out of here," Kirishima said, trying to pull me to the exit. Tsu picked up Mineta, holding his limp body close to her. Todoroki let her lean on him, giving one last glance to Bakugo and All Might before helping her up the stairs.

I let Kirishima lead me out, I felt numb. I kept looking at Mineta. He was dead, blood clumped his purple hair in uneven parts. His face was pale, bloodless. He was dead.

By the time we got to the top of the stairs, I wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball. Kirishima was the only thing keeping me up.

The members of the class were fighting the same man who had thrown us around the place. Thirteen was using his knowledge to keep him from hurting the students, fire and gasoline dotted the place making it hotter than the fire zone. Thirteen herself was shoulder onto her arm, trying to stop the blood flow.

The villain hovered above us, sending his metal claws at us. Kirishima pushed me to the side, not helping my ankle one bit. Tsu jumped to the side, dropping Mineta to the floor.

"Ain't this a sad sight. Poor little student, dead like the rest soon shall be," the villain used one of his claws to pick up Mineta, holding him unceremoniously by his leg.

"Don't touch him," I threatened dangerously, pushing myself up.

"What are you going to do about it?"

Before he could say anything else I pulled out a gun I had taken from the flamethrower guy. 'Every good actor must know how to shoot,' that's what dad used to tell me. He used to say that 'if you want to make something realistic you need to know how it would play out in real life.'

I pointed the gun at his chest, I wasn't going to back down.

"Midoriya!" Kirishima ran to grab the gun out of my hands but I pulled the trigger first.

The villain let out a scream of pain, collapsing to the ground, he dropped Mineta, Tsu quickly pulling him away. Kirishima took the gun from my hands, looking back just in time to see the metal claw penetrate through his shoulder.

The villain gripped onto his shoulder where I had shot him, an angry look on his face.

He was about to attack again when the door was slammed open. Police ran forward making the villain runaway.

He grabbed the flamethrower guy and left before more damage could be done.

Tears fell out of my eyes as I brought my hands to Kirishima's shoulder, putting pressure on it. Kirishimas collapsed down, his eyes fluttering close. "No! Stay awake! Kirishima would need to stay awake!"

Recovery Girl- the school nurse- ran to Thirteen's side, letting one of her assistants look over Kirishima and I. One spent about a whole ten seconds looking over Mienta before placing him back on the ground and going off to help someone else.

"Midoriya," one of the nurses called, "I am Doctor K. P. Ryu, you need to calm down. I'm going to give you something to help with the pain. We'll need to take you to the hospital. You have a broken ankle and burns covering your right shoulder and upper arm. You look like you have a concussion, is anywhere else in pain?"

"Kirishima...? Kirishima?" I reached out for him but he wasn't there. Was he dead? Did he die because of me?

"Hey, focus on me. Does anything else hurt?"


Sighing, Doctor Ryu injected me with something. My eyes started to fog over as I fell into the abyss.

The world seemed so calm, a black inky pool that lets you float and swim and be at peace. But every now and then, an enrapture would come through the place, shaking up your world, disturbing your peace.

All I wanted to do was to float. My body felt numb anyway. I just wanted to sleep and float and be at rest. I could hear parts of the world bleeding through but I wanted to ignore them. I wanted to sleep.

"Izu... I'm sorry... I was meant to protect you. I failed... I'm sorry."

Fluttering open my eyes, I was thankful that despite the usual cliché of a blinding light, my eyes were blessed with a peaceful darkness, the only light seeping in past the door. Looking around I noticed Kirishima sleeping on the next bed over. I felt something warm holding onto my hand, glancing at it, I saw Kacchan holding onto it, sleeping soundly.

"Kacchan...?" I reached my hand to wake him up but ended up coughing before I could.

Kacchan's eyes shot open as he sat up and grabbed a glass of water, pressing it against my lips. "Hey, take it slow. How are you feeling?"

"Tired," I mumbled, laying my head to the side.

"Then go back to sleep."


"He's fine. Go back to sleep."

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