Home Time

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Swinging my legs back and forth, I waited for Misuki and Masura to finish signing the papers. Ika had her arms thrown around my necks and Katsuki was by my side. He was on his phone and was showing me a bunch of videos, one of his earpods plugged into my ear.
Nami was waiting as well while talking to Shinso but Charlie was quiet.

"So, Charlie, are you planning on coming to U.A? Since you'll be in the area and I'm sure Present Mic and Aizawa can get you in," I asked, tilting my head.

Charlie shrugged her shoulder before jumping. She pulled out her phone- which was ringing- and instantly denied the call.

"Who was that?" Nami tried to look in Charlie's eyes but she avoided her gaze.

"It was just one of my online friends," she stated, putting her phone down on the side.

"Oh? This one of those friends," Nami teased with a smirk.

"Those friends," Shinso questioned making Nami laugh.

"Charlie has found herself some online crushes. Of course, we haven't let her forget it."

Shinso hummed in acknowledgement as he looked at Charlie's phone which was bussing yet again. "I think you should answer that. They are clearly worried about you."

Charlie groaned before putting the phone to her ear. "Ye-" Charlie couldn't even form one word before the person on the other end of the phone started screaming her ear off.

"Why have you been ignoring me?! I thought you were dead! Didn't you have even the most basic of decency to at least text me to leave you alone rather than just denying every call I make! This is the thiryth call I've made you jackass!" The person took heavy breaths after her- I think it is a her- speech. I swear I know that voice. Something about it feels so familiar, but I might be wrong but I'm sure I'm not.


"Huh? Hey, don't apologise. I'm sorry, I was just really worried okay. You can take as long as you need to mourn but remember that I am still here." Well... that was a change of attitude.

Charlie hummed into the speaker but before they could talk more the door burst open.

"Izu!" I felt someone lifting me out of my seat and spinning me. I let out a yelp as they wrapped their arms around my torso. Finally, when they went still, I was able to look at my attacker, instantly recognising the red hair.

"Kiri! Please, your crushing me!" Kirishima loosened his grip on my lungs as he blushed, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, umm, sorry Izu. Guess I was a bit worried and seeing you made me happy."

I giggled as I leaned up on my tippy-toes to wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm glad to see you too Kiri!"

"Hey, will you two stop it," Kacchan ordered. smacking away Kirishima's arm and pulling me out of the hug.

Kirishima and I gave him an innocent smile as he grumbled about it being too bright in here. Strange, it was actually pretty gloomy. When Kacchan relaxed, I leaned into Kirishima's hold as he ruffled my hair affectionately.

"And you say I'm bad," Charlie whispered to Nami who burst out laughing. Were they laughing at us? Charlie returned to her conversation with the mystery online girl, listening to her talk about something or another.

Auntie Matsuki came over, looking at Kirishima with a laugh. "It's good to see you Kirishima!" I lifted my head to look at Mitsuki, did she know Kirishima?

"Yeah! Thanks for letting me come and see him!" Kirishima gave a blinding smile to Misuki who put on sunglasses before continuing.

"Sure thing! You might be able to keep Katsuki quiet on the way back!"

"No, you need Mina for that." Kirishima let out a loud laugh, proud of his own joke as Kacchan blushed.

"Oh? Who's that Katsuki?" Mitsuki leaned in close to Kacchan who spun around.

"No one! Just a classmate."

"You sure?"

"Yes! Fuck off!"

I felt Kirishima's placing his hands over my ears as he hissed. "Bakugo! Language in front of the child!"

"Fuck you!"

"You do realise I grew up with him, I'm used to this," I fruitlessly pointed out as Kirishima patted my head.

"Shush, don't worry. Bakugo won't corrupt you."

Sighing, I smiled up at Kirishima as we waited for the others to join us. Aizawa raised his eyebrow upon seeing Kirishima but didn't say anything. Of course, Present mic wasn't as nice. "Whoa! Hey there little listener! What are you doing here?!"

"Hello Present Mic! What are you doing here?!"

"I asked you first!"

"I'm here to see Izu!"

"Oh? I'm here to pick up my goddaughter! She definitely be joining U.A soon and you'll get to meet her!"

"Has she agreed to that?" Aizawa's aura was enough to cut Present Mic's excitement in half as grabbed Shinso and Charlie.

"No. She has not," Charlie snapped, as she walked up to him. Present Mic slumped downwards in defeat, as Aizawa dragged him out of the hospital.

"Is that normal?" Nami looked between us as we shrugged.

"Pretty much. Come on, we should be getting home too. See you soon Nami!" I grabbed Kirishima's hands as we ran out of the door, Ika chasing after us. Kacchan walked out a little slower with Auntie Matsuki and Uncle Masura.

Nami waved us off as she walked over to her own car and drove away with her mum.

"Oh, Auntie Matsi, are we still going to see mum today?" Ika looked up with her pleading eyes as she sighed.

"Yeah. If that is what you want."

Kirishima looked confused as he looked at me. "Mum is in a coma. She hasn't woken up yet but we go see her every Sunday. You don't have to come in if it will make you feel comfortable." Kirishima nodded before taking my hand.

"Do you want me to come in?"

I bit my lip, thinking over everything that had happened in the last couple of days. I wasn't sure if I could go in right now. I nodded into his shoulder as we pulled up at the familiar hospital.

"Hey mum."

She hadn't changed since the last time we had visited. She was still pale and looked like a ghost. Her hair was placed neatly around her frame but even it had lost its colour. Different wires and tubes stuck out of her arms keeping her alive.

"Hey, Mum. We're back like always. Izu was in another terrorist attack but he's fine. But I'm sure you know that anyway. I can't wait to meet you again but they say if you don't wake up soon they will have to unplug you. I don't want that to happen, so please wake up soon."

I could feel Kirishima holding my hand and he pulled me into a hug. I have long expected this to happen but that didn't make it any less painful.

I don't want to lose you mum, so please wake up.

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