Why is it Always Us?

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"Let's do one last run-through," Iida shouted, panicking slightly.

"Calm down class rep," Kaminari teased, with a laugh.

"Yeah, we are totally going to own this!" Mina pumped her fist in the air as Kacchan sighed.

"Not if you keep going on 'creative tangents' when we are doing the makeup," he stated while packing away the products he was using.

Mina pouted with a whine, "but if I can make it better, why shouldn't I?"

Kacchan sighed once again, having already explained this to her multiple times. "Just try to keep it relatively the same, okay?"

Mina tried to give Kacchan begging eyes but after living with Ika and me for ten years, he was immune. "Fine..."

"Hey, everyone gathers around," Pixie Bob shouted loudly causing us all to gather around. "Tonight, you shall be relaxing! We are running a test of courage!"

Cheers of excitement echoed around the students. After working three weeks straight, a relaxing evening trying to scare the living daylights out of each other sounds fun.

"Enji! Do this with me?" I looked up at my boyfriend, holding onto his arm with an excited expression.

Enjiro seemed to get excited at the prospect, pumping up his arms. "Yeah! This is going to be so much fun!"


"You know, you two should go around together," Kaminari said, pushing Mina and Kacchan together. Kacchan blushed heavily, ducking a little.

"Yeah! That's a great idea Denki!" Mina jumped up making Kacchan blush harder- I'm pretty sure he's thankful for the low light levels right now that disguised his reddening face.

We snickered at Kacchan predicament, knowing he is both going to hate and love this idea. Thankfully, before he could back out, Mandalay called us over. We were split into two groups, one going off into the forest to try and scare the other.

Enjiro and I got to wander into the forest. Of course, they let us bring some supplies and I had the best idea ever! Making Enjiro sit down, I started to use the makeup techniques Kacchan had been teaching me. I did up his costume and started to dig. Yes, this all made sense.

When our first people arrived, I used one of the little tricks I learnt off Charlie to project a small blue butterfly flapping around and landing before them.

Tsu tilted her head while Uraraka lent down to hold out her finger- that was a mistake.

Enjiro broke out of the ground and grabbed her with a rotting hand.

Of course, she screamed and pulled back her arms as Enjiro climbed out from the shallow grave. Uraraka ran away as Tsu gave Enjiro and I a glare and chased after her.

Hopping up to Enjiro, I checked his breathing pipe before reburying him and returning to my spot. Yes, the average thing you do with your boyfriend; bury them alive.

We were about halfway through the other group when Kacchan finally showed up. He was walking with Mina scared and latched to his arm. Cute. Time to ruin their fun.

I turned on the projection making Mina gasp and awe at the friendly insect. Kacchan was a bit more suspicious but not as much as I was when Enjiro didn't pop up.

"Enjiro? Are you okay?" I lowered my voice in case nothing was wrong and he was just delaying it to bring Kacchan into a false sense of security. "Enjiro?"

Panic was starting to grip me. What if the breathing tube had become blocked and he was suffocating- no, he was just burst out again. Everything was fine. I started to chew on my lip, not liking this one bit. When they were about to move on, an explosion caused the ground to rumble.

Falling over, I gasped up at the large inferno of fire that was covering the far exit. That was not good!

The ground around Enjiro had been messed up as he gently lifted his head. It seemed to be a struggle for him and he looked too weak. Something was really wrong. "Enjiro!" Running out- and scaring Mina- I rushed to my boyfriend's side. I rolled him over, unsure what happened. Why didn't he just come back up?!

"What happened?" Kacchan came to my side as I breathed in the air Enjiro had been. There wasn't anything obviously wrong with it but something clearly was.

"Either of you got a lighter or match?"

Kacchan hesitantly brought out a match as I motioned for them to back up. Unlike what we expected, the place didn't blow up, but the flame did instantly go out.

"Carbon dioxide. Basically, he suffocated," I explained with a grim look. "Dad used to warn me about the risks of being in an airtight room where you couldn't get fresh oxygen," I added when noticing Mina's confused look. "He'll be fine though."

"Didn't your dad die when you were young? That's a weird thing to be telling a kid."

Both Kacchan and I let out a small bitter laugh. "There was an airtight room in the theatre. It was were any personal files were kept but we were warned about what to do if we ever got stuck in there."

Mina nodded unsurely as Kacchan laughed. "Inko was- fuck. Sorry."

I rolled my eyes slightly, knowing full well what he was going to say. "It's fine. She was pretty weird too with her warnings and descriptions of certain scenes. I'm half glad I didn't hear the stuff she would tell us when we were adults."

Kacchan looked shocked by my joke but smiled at the obvious joke that I would have been horrified by barely two weeks ago- Enjiro is really good at comfort okay.

"Should we tell the others about this," Mina asked, eyes the tube weirdly.

"Depends if it was tampered with," I stated, pulling Enjiro's arm around my shoulder and moving him out of the way. I walked behind the tree where the tube came out and felt my heart drop. A tank had been hooked up to the tube. Thankfully, I had been right- carbon dioxide- sadly, that meant there was yet another terrorist attack coming after us. "Why is it always us?"

Kacchan let out a snort, folding his arms over his chest. "Somehow I don't think we are ever going to find an answer to that."

A thud from behind us caused us to spin, barely getting a chance to see what was happening when something grabbed me. I watched Kacchan catch Mina as I scratched at the hand over my mouth- a cloth being held to me.

The edges of my vision started to turn black as someone grabbed Kacchan. I couldn't breathe; I couldn't think; I couldn't do anything. I'm sorry Enjiro.

Why is it always us?

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