Three Weeks

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Stumbling around in the dark forest was not something that the class usually did- which in itself was weirder than actually doing it. Thankfully, due to my mental breakdown, Enjiro and I had fallen asleep about three hours before everyone else and as such, the early hour wasn't so harsh. Still not pleasant but it was a bit better for us rather than the ones who only fell asleep four hours ago- a mistake they probably won't be repeating.

"Since you've come to Yueii, you have learnt many irreplaceable skills in a variety of industries however, you have yet to actually do anything for your chosen carriers. Before the tests started I asked you to choose which three subjects you would continue into the second year. As you should know, at Yueii, you take all subjects in the first year, you choose one performance-based, one production-based and one design based subject for second and in the third year, you decide which one subject you shall graduate with. The first year is all about experimenting with the different parts of this industry so you can make the correct choice about your future. Over the next three weeks, you shall test to see if you can really handle the careers you are going down. You shall work together, using each other's designs, productions and abilities to create one big performance that will be performed on the last day of this camp. Class B will be doing the same. Use each other's strengths, cover each other's weaknesses and work fast. Next year, you'll have to do this in two weeks, on your final year, it shall be done in one."

Aizawa smirked at the horrified looks his students were giving him. Three weeks was barely enough time to learn the lines let alone write them and do everything else. This was going to be a train wreck.

"Well, what are you waiting for? You all know what you're doing." Aizawa walked away, laughing to himself over the state he was leaving his students. He had a cruel sense of humour.

Rushing off to the designing tables we started to panic.

"Everyone calm down," Iida ordered, bringing a chalkboard out of nowhere. "We should work out who is doing what first and then go into the order."

We have;

Aoyama, Kaminari and Yaoyorozu on costume design. Tsu, Kirishima, Sato, Jiro, Midoriya and Hatsume on Prop design. Iida, Uraraka, Ojiro, Shoji, Sero, Todoroki on set design and Mina, Koda, Tokoyami, Hagakure and Bakugo on makeup design.

Mina, Tsu and Todoroki as dancers. Iida, Uraraka, Sato, Hagakure, Bakugo and Midoriya as actors. Aoyama, Koda, Jiro and Yaoyorozu as musicians. Ojiro, Kirishima, Sero and Hatsume as stunt people and Kaminari, Shoji, Tokoyami on the lights.

Kirishima, Sato and Midoriya making the props. Tsu, Uraraka, Ojiro and Sero making the set. Aoyama, Mina, Hagakure and Bakugo doing the makeup. Koda making the script. Jiro and Yaoyorozu making the music. Todoroki and Hatsume making the special effects. Iida and Tokoyami as directors and Kaminari and Shoji doing the filming which presented a problem.

One, we weren't filming and two, we had no one on producing the costumes.

Creepily, all heads turned to the one person who had chosen none of the options.

Charlie subtly- very subtly- tried to hide behind Jiro and Yaoyorozu.

"Come on Charlie, you didn't choose anything so we need you to make the costumes," Kaminari shouted desperately.

"But I don't want to make costumes. I would prefer to be a scriptwriter or actor. I want nothing to do with that."

"Please, Charlie. Just this one time?" Jiro gave Charlie her best puppy-dog eyes.

Charlie coughed, blushing like a maniac. "F-fine... I'll make the costumes, but you let me help with the script instead of designing."


Now, all we had to do was work out what order to do things.

We had to brian storm ideas first for Koda and Charlie to start writing the script. Then we would have to design everything. Once the script is done, the actors will have to start practising lines and Jiro and Yaoyorozu need to come up with the music. The dancers will have to settle on choreography and the stunt people need to work out which to do.

It was easily decided that any making will be held off until the third week in replace of more pressing matters. Getting the basic ideas, designs and scripts done was the focus of the first week.

We kept bringing up ideas only to be shot down by one member of the class. This was getting annoying.

Enjiro kept our fingers interlaced as I leaned against his chest. The more ideas we came up with, the less sense it made sense.

Charlie and Koda were slowly pailing at the ideas being thrown at them and silently agreed to gain back control.

"So... it's agreed?" Looking over the basic overview, we all nodded in agreement.

"Right then," Iida started, waving his arms around like he usually did. "We have a lot of things to get done, everyone stay focused and we will do this."


Tetsutetsu stared at the class that was running about with different shapes and sizes of paper. They kept talking to each other in hushed whispers, checking details and making sure they had the same idea. Koda and Charlie were surrounded by different scenes and parts. Aoyama, Yaoyorozu and Kaminari were randomly pulling people up to take their measurements. It was quite funny to watch but it wasn't why Tetsutetsu was watching them.

"People see us as lesser than them, but that is wrong," Vlad King announced with his arms crossed over his chest. "In three weeks you will be performing against them. Show them the strength of class 1B!"

Strong cheers of agreement came from class B as they decided they weren't going to be left behind anymore. They will stand on equal footing to class 1A, and they will show their power.

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