Theatre Shakeup

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Tapping my foot, we waited for the trains to get here. This week is the start of the internships, though I'm pretty sure it's just that the teacher couldn't be bothered with us any more. I was heading off to one of dad's old studios. It was a little bit of a shock to hear from them after so long but I was more than happy to go. Though it was nerve wracking as that meant they would be watching my every move.

Iida was still unresponsive. Uraraka was trying her best to comfort him after his brother's injury. He had been attacked by the terrorist Stein who had been attacking people who he thought had no true appreciation of the arts. Probably has a few screws loose that one.

Kacchan was talking to Mina, he was going to Best Jeanest's department which was a makeup and fashion studio, a proper shocker for us. Kacchan seemed to be going head in with the makeup side of things but since I've never seen him so interested in anything before, we don't judge. Besides, a good production is only as good as its smallest part, makeup included.

Todoroki was ignoring all his father's wishes and was going to a dance studio a little south of here.

"Midoriya!" Kirishima ran up to me, bringing me into a hug. "Stop looking so nervous!"

"I can't help it Kiri," I protested with a pout. "This is one of dad's studios! What if I get it wrong and they say I'm being a disgrace to his legacy?!"

"Midoriya, you are amazing. If they say that then they are wrong. Now go and show them what you're made of!" Kirishima pushed me to the train that had just pulled in. I gave him a shy smile before getting on board.

I took a seat next to the window as I ran my fingers through my shirt, chewing onto my lip. What if this really did go bad. I knew nothing about the old crew, would they even still be the old crew? I doubt it. Most of the usual actors died in the same attack as dad but would the other actors be there too. They probably really old now.

Jumping out of my thoughts, I pulled out my phone, glaring at it for interrupting me. 'Kiri: Don't panic Midori!'

Letting out a small laugh, I slumped back in my chair. Kirishima knew me too well. Eventually, I got off the bus and headed into the town. Well, this feels like someone has just hit me over the head with a large brick of nostalgia. I could remember the exact route we would go when staying at that one B&B at the end of that one quiet road with the cats that never seemed to go. Mum would never stay anywhere else because she liked the couple running it and wanted to support them. There was the play park where Kacchan would meet us with the same multicoloured equipment and never ending stream of screaming coming from the four year olds. How did they scream so loudly?

By the time I got to the old building, I didn't even need to think about where I was going. I walked through the front doors and followed the familiar path. Ghost danced around me but for once, I didn't mind. A smile plagued my face as I listened to hyper Arata telling us about the new prop she had got as crazy Chino attempted to prank her.

"It's weird being back, isn't it little Midoriya?"

Spinning, I smiled up at the taller lady. Arata had medium length black hair that tickled her shoulders with a few grey hairs speckling out. Her face had a few defined wrinkles and she looked tired but other than that she hadn't changed one bit. She had on her usual black 'casual' dress and black flats that always contradict against her hyper personality.

"Yeah, but it's nice, Ara," I whispered back.

"That's Arata-senpai to you brat!" Arata grabbed me as she rubbed her knuckles against my skull.

"Never!" I ducked down and got out of Arata's grasp, running back stage and through the corridors. Arata chased me as I spun around the next corner and barely missed someone. I felt Arata grab me as she lifted me off the ground.

She let out a loud laugh, holding me up like I prize. "I have won! I'm not too old at all Chino!"

"Oh really?" Taking the claim as a challenge, Chino snuck up behind her and tickled under her arms. She let out a loud laugh before dropping me.

Chino looked almost completely different. He had stopped bleaching his hair blond and it had gone back to its normal brown. It was cut short with a small fringe flickering in front of his eyes. He had on a casual suit of a baggy grey jumper and jeans. His eyes must have gotten worse as he was now wearing a pair of black glasses.

I couldn't help but smile at Chino and Ara, the two craziest members of the theatre, happily married for ten years. It had been mum who got them together in the first place. Dad tried but he was useless at anything to do with people. It was a little miracle he got mum in the first place.

"Ara! There you are! You are late!" A girl I didn't recognise spun around the corner. She had silver grey hair that was cut short- not going past her ears- with chunky black rimmed glasses. She was taller than me- but not by much- and had a black hoodie on that was two sizes too big and black ripped jeans. "Come on, or Bird brain will have our heads!"

The girl grabbed Ara's wrist as she started to drag her away. Ara grabbed me as we followed in a chain like motion. The girl deposited us off on the main stage as Torino walked up. "Good job Charlie. Now I've called you all here to produce a small production to advertise the newest performance. Charlie will brief you in a second. Oh, and who are you?"

We all cringed at Torino's question, the old foul loved asking us that. It was meant to be a 'realise you style' thing but it was mainly just annoying.

Charlie pushed Torino off stage as she briefed us on what was about to happen.

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