Bullet Wounds

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Bullets whipped past our heads. Wind and water flew around us. Hitting the boat with a harsh thud, I rolled to the side. I could hear Mineta scream as he almost fell over the edge only to be caught by Tsu.

Stumbling up,I let out a silent scream when my ankle touched the deck. Hobbling towards Tsu, I helped her power the boat and get us out of here. We were charging at the beach shore when Tsu pulled us to the side and stopped us short.

Once again, Mineta went flying and fell into the water. "Oh, thank gods! I'm alive, I get to live another day! I can feel Yaoyorozu's boobs after all!"

"You should have let him drown," I muttered as she nodded sadly.

"A missed opportunity."

Noticing that the villains were still charging at us, I pressed some of the buttons, flooding the pipes with fuel and heating up the engine.

Tsu grabbed my arm, slinging it around her shoulder as she helped me limp off the boat. The boat exploded the second we got off.

Hiding behind the blaze, we waited to see if the villains would come and find them. If they were going to, they weren't anymore as a loud explosion came from the mountain and they were ordered to find out what happened.

Deciding to focus on Aizawa, I noticed that the man holding him down had become distracted by the explosions. Aizawa-Sensei was kneeling on the floor with his elbow covered in ash. The man holding him had a flamethrower in his hand, a burning blue flame still coming out.

We needed to help him. Looking around for some way to help, I spotted some rock we could throw at him but I have a feeling that it will just piss him off rather than actually help.

Trying to find some way, I grabbed a loose metal pole out from the water. Oh Kacchan is going to hate me for this. Sneaking close to the man, I swung at his head.

Of course someone got in the way. A large bulky man held the end of the pipe, using it to throw me across the space.

The man who was holding Aizawa-Sensei dropped him and walked towards me. He twirled his flamethrower in his hand.

I tried to get up and away from him but my whole leg was screaming at me at this point and didn't want to move.

"You shouldn't have intervened, kid. Now it's your turn." The person turns on his weapon, the flame roaring loudly.

Whimpering away in fear, I felt him grab my shoulder and hold me in place. The heat came closer and closer as I tried to get away.

The blood curdling scream reached my ears before my brain registered it was mine. The taste of salty tears hammered against my tongue before I knew they came from me. The smell of burning flesh hit my nose before I felt the pain.

Boils and burns simmered on my shoulder as I tried to push him away.

Tsu ran forward, coming to help me but she was stopped by the same man that stopped me.

"You know EraserHead... It's funny. You always hated brats who got in your way and here you are, raising a bunch of brats who keep getting in my way. Break her bones, Nomu," the main man drowled onto Aizawa-sensei.

The man who I can assume is Nomu, picked up Tsu, slamming her back into the ground.

"Tsu!" I tried to reach out to her but I felt a new pain in my upper arm.

The villain let out a loud laugh as he watched us struggle. Twitching when a small pebble hit his face.

Mineta ran back behind a large rock, holding the small pile of pebbles close to his body, throwing a different one at Nomu.

"Nomu, kill that brat," the flamethrower guy ordered as Nomu dropped Tsu and walked over to the rock. Before he could reach it however, Aizawa stabbed him in the ankle with a dagger he likely stole from one of the others.

The flamethrower guy growled, turning off his weapon and walking towards Aizawa-sensei. He hit him around the back of his head making stars cover his eyes.

Nomu pulled the knife out of his ankle, continuing his walk without much of an effect. The knife didn't even have blood on it. The closer he got to Mineta, the closer he got to me. I swear I could see silver coming out of his leg.

He grabbed Mineta out from behind the rock, the smaller male screaming fearfully. He brought out a gun, pointing it to Mineta's head.

"Mineta..." I watched wide eyed as Nomu pulled back the tigger and a large bang echoed around us. Blood splattered out his head, coating the rock next to him. I could feel a drop hit my face as I starred, unable to take my eyes away from him.

Nomu dropped him uncaring to the ground, the exit wound facing me, haunting me.

"Fear not! I am here!" The door burst open as All Might ran towards us. He punched Nomu, sending him flying and across the room. He picked up Aizawa-Sensei and dragged him to wear Todoroki, Kirishima and Kacchan had entered. Kacchan ran towards me, Kirishima by his side. Todoroki picked up Tsu, helping her limp away.

Kacchan picked up Mineta while Kirishima held me, trying to get me to look away from the body. "Come on Midoriya, we can't stay here. We need to get away." Kirishima held me close as he wrapped his arms around me.

He helped me onto my feet, wrapping his arms around me. He added me to the stairs, running his hands through my hair.

I kept staring at Mineta, I should have left him on the boat. He could be safe. He could be alive. Joking about someone being dead and looking at their body is two very different things. He was a pervert, an idiot, an unwanted freak. But he was our classmate. He was our friend. He was meant to be alive.

"It's okay now, you are all safe now," All Might claimed confidently, having yet to notice Mineta.

"You're too late. We are not safe."

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