Head to Heads

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After the second class performed we went onto the head to heads. In this two performers went up against each other. They got a song to preform to, whether that was by acting, stunting, playing or dancing was up to us.

The first people up were Aoyama and Mina. They got the song Angel with a shot gun and Aoyama swiftly took the lead, singing the lyrics- once again while in drag.

Mina wasn't about to let up, she pulled him into dancing- something Aoyama struggled in. That was a smart move. By bringing him to dance he would struggle while she easily matched his singing.

It wasn't a shock when Mina was declared the winner.

Next up was Tsu and Uraraka. They got the song Destiny by NEFFEX. Both found the song easy to match and complimented each other style well. However, ultimately, it was Tsu who won, leaving an exhausted Uraraka on the stage.

This continued on, Kirishima went up against Tetsutetsu with the song Believer by Imagine Dragons. They were both stunt men though, so it was hard for them to trip the other up and they looked evenly match. That was until Kirishima did a triple somersault off the stage at the very last moment, just making him win.

Then it was Todoroki up against Jiro. Is it just me or does he look angry. He sent a glare into the crowd before he started performing.

Strangely, it was like the music knew he was angry as they gave him a dramatic classical piece I couldn't name. Todoroki treated it like a musical, an arguement against him and Jiro. He spoke most things but on the climaxes he would sing. Jiro attempted to play and sing along but she didnt know the song either and was struggling.

Eventually it was over and Todoroki was the clear winner.

We had a small break but most of us was either too anxious or too disappointed by the results to do anything.

When we returned, it was Kacchan's turn. He was up against Yao-momo who already had her violin on her. This could be interesting. The song they were given was Elastic Heart by Written by Wolves. At least Kacchan would know the song.

Yao-momo took the lead, playing her violin. She was incredible! Of course Kacchan wasn't going to give up, be started to sing, matching her speed. He let Yao-momo take over the song and started a monologue, recreating the well known character of Timmy who was this cancer kid who died in his story.

Yao-momo wasnt giving up yet, as she attempted to read out the lines she remembered Timmy's perants saying. Sadly, mist often lines were wrong and she was unable to act properly with the violin. When the song finished, it was clear how disappointed Yao-momo was with herself.

Bakugo was onto the next round.

Mei and Ibara went up next. A script writer and a special effects technician. This is going to be interesting. Mei fully embarrassed the song, Bohemian Rhaspody by Queen, she started dancing- shocking us- and brought Ibara into the performance.

It was almost like they forgot what they were there to do. Of course Inara was trying to trip her up by changing the dance style but she must not know the song as Mei changed style anyway when the song did.

Mei won by a landslide.

Shinso was on the stage next. He was up against Ojiro. Honestly, there wasnt much out of the ordinary to point out. Ojiro was too focused on his stunts and forgot to match it to the music- which was an old Indian lullaby- while Shinso wasnt normally a performer and so had his own problems.

Shinso beat Ojiro but everyone thinks he'll be out by next round.

Finally, it was my turn. I was against Iida who had somehow clawed his way into this round. We got the song Congratulations from Hamliton. This was going to be easy. Ika loved Hamilton and I've probably watched it a thousand times.

It was easy to sing and preform the song, acting along easily. Iida had no idea what the American song was and couldnt do much, going out by the end of the song.

That meant next round would consist of Mina vs Tsu, Bakugo vs Mei, Kirishima vs Todoroki and myself vs Shinso.

Thankfully, all this was happening tomorrow so I get to sleep and regain my energy.

Ika was happily screaming out her thoughts while dragging me down the corridor. Kacchan had agreed to go with Mina to see some of the displays but I just wanted to go to sleep. Thus was too stressful but oh well.

"What the hell was that?!"

Freezing, I grabbed Ika and pulled her close to the wall. We could hear a man with a low voice screaming at someone.

"I'm sorry." The second voice was barely a whisper but I knew who it belonged to; Todoroki.

"Sorry is not good enough!" I could hear this man punching Todoroki. Guessing from the harsh gasp, either in the lungs or stomach. "You're my prodigy! You will act and beat All Might! That is the only reason you are here! Not to sing!"

Peeking around the corner, my blood went cold. Endeavour washolding Todoroki up by his neck, growling each point out.

I was about to walk out and help him when someone else came around the corner. "Let him go!"

Endeavour looked even more angry about being interrupted, dropping Todoroki to the floor. "And who might you be?"

"I am Leif! I am the student who has been teaching your son to dance! You are not hurting him!" Leif- who I recognised as one of the twins from the start of term- stood tall against the enormous man.

"Dancing?! My son does not dance!"

"Check again! Now if you don't mind, I suggest you leave before the security comes over!"

As to prove a point, a guard walked past, greeting the trio.

Endeavour backed off as Leif took Todoroki to get the injuries checked.

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