Ae Fond Kiss

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"Charlie! You ready?" I jumped up to Charlie's desk, leaning on the wooden surface as she jumped up. She looked around in confusion before settling on me. "For the test," I prompted hopefully.

"We have a test?"

I could hear Kacchan laughing behind me as I nodded. "Yes, we have been studying for it since you came to this school."

"We have?"

I sighed a little as Yao-momo and Jiro entered the room. "Hello Momo, Kyoka!" Charlie jumped up and practically bounced up to the two teenagers.

"Anyone else thinks she is just here for those two?" Enjiro sat down next to me, looking over his notes for some last-minute revision.

"She does know they are dating right?" Kacchan Sat down with Mina at his side. She was looking stressfully through her notes.

"I'm going to fail," she whined while rubbing the top of her head.

"You'll be fine if you stay calm and remember the stuff I taught you."

"I'm going to fail."

Kacchan rolled his eyes but smiled as Mina dramatically leaned against his side.

As to be expected the written exams were just as gruelling as the entrance exams, covering almost everything it possibly could. After many hours of painful writing, Enjiro fell on my table exhaustedly. Placing my head on the table next to him, I brushed his hair out of the way. "You alright Enjiro?"

"I didn't leave any gaps," Enjiro announced with a sad smile. Giggling, I started playing with his hair. It was so soft- something most people wouldn't guess from the style. Enjiro slowly fell asleep on my desk as I smiled at him. He's so cute!

"Wow, barely a minute after the test and you are already being sickly sweet," Mina announced while fake gagging as I stuck out my tongue at her.

Enjiro mumbled something under his breath before he rolled around in his sleep, becoming cosier.

"You should wake him up, we still have tests to go," Kacchan suggested with a dangerous smirk.

"Don't you dare." Sadly, we did have too. I gently shook Enjiro awake, his ruby red eyes focusing on me and blinking to refocuses. He yawned as he wiped away the sleep from his eyes and stretched out.

Enjiro stumbled to his feet as he joined me, wrapping his arms around me and placing his head on mine. "Fluffy..."

"Somehow I don't think that was entirely successful," Kaminari joked with a smirk as my brain started to malfunction.

Slowly, we walked to the meeting area and awaited further instruction. Eventually, just as I was starting to worry that Enjiro would fall over, the teachers showed up. Aizawa walked out in front with a clipboard, his bored expression unchanging.

"Hello, students!" On top of Aizawa's shoulder, a small man sat, his legs dangling down Aizawa's torso. He had pure white, mousy hair that was messy and a little wild. He had a white dress shirt on, black waistcoat and black trousers. His formal shoes must have dug into Aizawa uncomfortably but the taller man didn't seem to care. The man had white makeup cover his face with a mousy nose and whiskers. Lastly, his human ears were missing while a pair of bear-like ears sat upon his head. "I must apologise but I cannot stay, I have a dress rehearsal to get to. I wish you all well and go luck with the exams!" The mousy man jumped off Aizawa's shoulder and walked away.

We watched him go for about five minutes before we turned back to Aizawa. "Right, so, each of you are going to be paired off with one team of three. Team A is Kirishima and Sato. B is Uraraka and Sero. C is Tokoyami and Iida. D is Asui and Todoroki. E is Yaoyorozu and Jiro. F is Shoji and Kaminari. G is Charlie and Koda. H is Ojiro and Hagakure. I is Midoriya and Hatsume and J is Bakugo, Ashido and Aoyama. You will each be given one a brief in which you'll learn what you need to do before getting an hour. You need to perform or present your end product for five minutes. Each team will be given their brief at ten-minute intervals to keep the timing uniform. The performances and presentations will be projected on the screen for you all to watch. Team A, you may now collect your brief."

I gave Enjiro a reassuring squeeze before he met up with Sato and they went off to prepare. The first hour was pretty boring. Every ten minutes another team would get their brief and disappear behind closed doors.

When the hour was up, we watched Enjiro and Sato walk up onto the stage. They looked nervous but I knew they would be fine.

Enjiro took a shaky breath before yodelling loudly. Well... I was not expecting that. Sato pulled out a fiddle, resting it on his cheek before going up and down the neck.

"Ae fond kiss and then we sever. Ae fareweel, alas forever. Deep in heart-wrung tears, I'll pledge thee. Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee. Had we never lov'd sae kindly. Had we never lov'd sai blindly? Never met-or never parted. We had ne'er been broken-hearted." Enjiro's voice was angelic, much better than one would expect. Not the type of music you would expect either.

"I'll ne'er blame my partial fancy. Naething could resist my Izu: But to see him was to love him: Love but him and love forever. Had we never lov'd sae kindly, Had we never lov'd sae blindly, never met-or never parted. We had ne'er been broken-hearted."  I couldn't stop the blush raising to my cheeks at the avoid change of wording.

Kaminari snickered from behind me as Kacchan leaned into my ear. "I think someone is talking about you."

"B-be quiet."

"Fare-thee-weel, thou first and fairest! Fare-thee-weel, thou best and dearest! Thine be ilka joy and treasure, Peace, enjoyment, love and pleasure" Ae fond kiss and then we sever! Ae fareweel, alas, forever! Deep in heart-wrung tears, I'll pledge thee. Warring sighs and groans, I'll wage thee."

Enjiro and Sato came to a stop, their previous nervousness coming back. Aizawa didn't say anything as he motioned for them to get off stage.

I quickly went up to Enjiro, entwining our fingers together and kissing him. "You were amazing."

"I can't sing though, my throat hurts."

"I think you were perfect." I brushed his hair out of his eyes with a giggle. "But is there something you need to tell me? You're not going are you?"

"Never." Enjiro wrapped his arms around me as Kacchan rolled his eyes.

"Ack! The power couples are back!" Mina held her hand over her heart, gasping.

"Not this time!" Charlie jumped up and ran away from Mina, hiding behind us.

"Team G, come get your brief."

One down, many to go.

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