Recovery Room

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Groaning, I tapped my fingers on the table in a rhythmic pattern. I was bored. I had been stuck in this bed for days and I couldn't get out. Recovery Girl wouldn't let me move about until I had healed properly. Kirishima was in a similar situation but as his injury was only in his shoulder he was allowed small trips to the canteen. 

Kacchan kept coming to visit me and Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Masura kept coming after they finished work. Ika hadn't left the hospital since I came in. She slept by my side and any attempts to move her would end in very loud, very violent protests.

Ika did keep things interesting. She brought me art supplies so I could draw. She tried to bring some clay and sculpting tools but they didn't want a bunch of knives in their hospital. Plus they didn't want my to try and use my other- servely burnt- hand.

Kirishima and Ika got along really well, she kept bringing in different movies for him to watch. It was cute when he got excited over the movie.

I jumped a little when the door opened, a nurse walking in. She gave me a sweet smile before checking over my injuries, deeming me well enough to start moving. Ika looked happy about that as she and Kirishima helped me down the corridors and into a small lounge. 

Yao-momo, Kyoka, Denki, Tsu and Aizawa-sensei were all sitting around the space. Yao-momo barely moved from her spot, not even looking up as I was wheeled in. Kyoka was sitting next to her, rubbing circles on Yao-momo's back, trying to coxe her into eating. Denki was twirling one of his earplugs in his hand, listening to music through the other. Tsu was munching on an apple with her little brother and sister talking her ears off while Aizawa tried to sleep in the corner, looking like a mommy.

Ika pushed me towards a sofa, jumping into the seat herself. She gave me an excited smile as she started to rant about everything and anything. Kirishima came over after a few minutes, presenting me with a sandwich as he sat down himself. 

"Kirishima... I want to say I'm sorry," I muttered, lowering my head in shame.

"It's cool dude. Now I've got a super mainly scar," Kirishima said, smiling brightly at me and warming my chest. 

Ika paused for a second, looking between me and Kirishima, looking like she wanted to say something but before she could, a shout came from the other side of the room. "I just can't Kyoka!"

Jumping away, Tsu and her siblings ducked under the flying bowl of rice, giving a confused look to Yao-momo who was now sobbing into her legs.

"Is she okay," Ika asked, tilting her head worriedly.

"Considering the fact she just threw a bowl of rice across the room, I would say no," Tsu's little brother- Samidare said, receiving a glare from Jiro who was hugging Yao-momo.

"And you are not helping," she snapped before going back to comforting Yao-momo.

"What happened to her?" 

"Ika," Kirishima scold but before he could say anything else, I grabbed her hand and pulled it so she would focus on me.

"Ika, do you remember being in the hospital when you were young? The time after the... after the attack," I asked, rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand as she nodded. "And do you remember those policemen who tried to talk to you. You said you didn't want to talk and they shouldn't make you." She nodded once again. "So, Yao-momo is in the same situation. She doesn't want to talk and we should respect that, just like those policemen did."

"Okay... Miss... I'm sorry for prying," Ika apologized, making me smile at her. She was amazing.

"It's okay," Yao-momo reassured, smiling through her tears.

"I could tell them, if you two are okay with that," Kaminari offered. I can assume he was there with them. Jiro nodded before giving a worried look to Yao-momo who took a deep breath. She smiled and nodded, giving Kaminari permission. 

"Maybe you should leave," I suggested as Yao-momo shook her head, clearly saying she wanted to stay.

"Very well, it happened just after we had been thrown to the mountain zone by that robot guy. There were a lot of villains there, like a huge lot," Kaminari started to explain, using his hands to make vague gestures that were hard to understand.

"There wasn't a lot," Jiro interrupted before Kaminari could get further.

"Do you want to tell the story?! I didn't think so. As I was saying, we were faced with a massive group of villains, all breathing down on us. There was this one, this big one. He had bombs strapped around his chest. He was really mean and was clearly the leader. He kept saying things, really creepy things as well. That all this was a game and he wanted to play. He tried to shoot Jiro but Yaoyorozu stopped him. He got angry and hit Jiro, sending her flying. He shot Yao-momo to stop her helping before he went back to attack Jiro. He kept shouting things. Shouting about how she should have been better, that she could have been something amazing but decided to throw away her life all while kicking her. Yao-momo begged him to stop and to shut up but he started ranting about her too. About how she came from a respectable family and was dragging her family down the drain with her." Kaminari stopped when Yao-momo started crying, Jiro pulling her into a hug and rubbing her back.

"Of course, none of it was true," Kamianri quickly stated before taking a deep breath. "He then turned to me. He said how someone like me shouldn't ever work and be anywhere but a hospital."

"What do you mean?"

"I have ADHD, I'm not sure how he found out, but I'm assuming that is what he was talking about." Nodding, we let Kaminari finish his tale. "He brought out this bomb, lighting the fuse. He went to blow us up but I hit away the bomb using this stick of wood. He got angry so I hit him around the face with the same stick. I probably shouldn't have done that in retrospect but it's too late now." Kaminari let out an awkward laugh before leaning forward and hunching over his knees. "He got angry with me, threw me away from the girls and started hitting me. Hurt a lot. Eventually, he was going to try blowing us up again. But Yao-momo saved me. She pushed him away and put the bomb into his shirt. He couldn't get it out in time and blew up in front of us."

Yao-momo had calmed down by now but looked like she was about to cry again.

"Parts of him hit us. Bits of blood and skin and muscle and bone." Kaminari's eyes became haunted as he started to scratch at his skin. 

Ika quickly slid off the sofa and brought him into a hug, running her hand through his hair like I used to when she was little. "There, there, it will be alright."

Smiling, I wondered if she was right. Will everything be alright after this?"

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