Spectacle event

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Getting out of our seats, we ran to the front and shuffled to grab a topic. A few swapped around before running back but I stuck with my first topic, magic.

Entering the back stage it was massive, the space was split into different sections one each for each task, models, musicians and actors stood in some of the sections for our disposal. I could see some older students dotting around the space, most likely to look after us.

Refocusing on my work I ran to the design section, grabbing some blue print paper. I tapped the pencil on my chin before starting my drawings. It was a little creepy whenever the older students looked over my shoulder at what I was doing, it is most likely that we were getting marked on our time management and technique.

When I was happy with the design, I rolled it up and went to the produce section. I walked through the space before finding the forge. This was going to be fun. I flipped on a mask and started work, I rarely got to work with metal but that didn't mean that I couldn't

By the time I was happy with the form, I needed to let it cool and so put my name on it and went to the preform section. On the floor were different musical sheets and scenes, instruments and actors stood to be used.

I sheared through the different scenes we had been provided but I couldn't find anything good. Sighing, I went through the songs to see if I could find something I could see. Settling on a song from the musical 'Brighter than You' I did some basic practice. I sight read and listened to how it was meant to go. My stomach was rumbling, but we weren't allowed to eat in here so I would just have to suffer.

Returning back to the forge, I added the finishing touches to my product. Finishing quickly as the loud buzzer went off.

"Alright! Take a ten minute break and we will get started!" The older students took our products and designs and brought them to the door. I gave mine to a boy with fluffy brown hair who congratulated me before shooing me off to eat.

I retook my seat, happily nibbling on my food. Present mic returned to the front with the other teachers who had returned from various prior engagements. Snipe stood with a camera, twistin the lense to set up his team. They were actually going to record this!

"Let's start," the tired teacher Shota Aizawa said. Shota was almost completely unknown in the world but I knew him to be a light technician. Not only that he could do projection design, meaning he would do the animation that you would see behind your favourite band. "Koyasu Erisa!"

Slowly, a girl with neon yellow hair walked onto the stage. She stood in front of us while pulling out her design. It appeared on the main screen. It was a very basic set design for a kitchen. It looked like it had been done over and over again. "This... this is my set..." The girl spoke quietly and I had to strain my ear to listen to her. She quickly moved on and pulled out an intricate but small music box. "I made a music box."

She quickly put down the box and went centre stage, awkwardly and fearfully performing a scene from 'Blue top' a comedy based in medieval Scotland.

I had no idea what those three things had in common and it seems none of the others did either. She was shooed off the stage and Midnight called the next name. "Touro Hagkure."

A girl with brown hair walked onto the stage, her hair was pulled up into a beanie and she had paint all over her body.

"Hello, today I have designed this." Touro held up her blueprint. On it was a complicated design of a ball gown. It was a beautiful red and pink mix with a flower accent. "As my performance I shall sing to you 'A long night' from the ballroom sense in 'Twisted love'." Touro sang gently, her voice hit almost every note but her volume control and emotion more than made up for it. Touro smiled was she finished. "Lastly, my work as a makeup artist. All of you have been looking upon it without realising." Touro walked to the side where and set was. When Touro pointed at it, a model left the set and walked out. They were wearing a costume that blended in with the background, their makeup matching. Touro bowed and left the stage. The brown haired boy from earlier and a blonde haired boy carried off the set.

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