Unique First Day

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Running, I dragged Kacchan down the road. We were going to U.A and we were going to arrive early to make sure we weren't late. Or at least that is what Kacchan kept saying, I think he is just a little nervous.

I couldn't help but awe at the great building, I know Kacchan would say something like, 'you've already seen this building twice' but I couldn't care less. This building was no less amazing than the last time I saw it.

It was impossible to navigate though. We walked into about six different workstations and one dodgy conversation that we both agreed is probably best left unanswered.

Eventually, we did find the room. There were few inside but at least we found it. Kacchan sat down in his seat, I sat behind him. I shook my head slightly as Kacchan put his feet on the desk. He really needed to be a little more respectful.

I brought out my sketch book and started to do some drawing. Since I didn't really fancy any designing, I decided to draw each of the students in our class. I started with myself and Kacchan, as I knew our faces and physique off by heart. I then focused on some of the more interesting students.

I drew a girl who had her ear plugs in and was humming to a tune. She had purple hair and what I think was purple eyes, but it was hard to work it out without seeming creepy.

I got half way through drawing a boy with half red and half white hair and a burn over one of his eyes. He seemed to be a very stoic person and was quite fun to draw.

Unfortunately, I couldn't keep my drawings up when an argument started in front of me. A boy with blue hair was shouting at Kacchan and making it hard to focus. Apparently, the boy also thought Kacchan should be more respectful.

"Can you please be quiet? Kacchan, just take your feet off the table."

Kacchan gave me a glare, angry that I would try to command him.

"Please, for me," I begged, hoping he would listen. He sighed, removing his feet and grumbling something under his breath. "Better?"

The boy nodded, looking over me. "I am Tenya Iida. It's good to meet you." Iida waved his hands in a robotic motion, it was slightly weird.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, that angry pomeranian is Katsuki Bakugo. It's good to meet you." I shook his hand, ignoring Kacchan's shouts.

"If you are here to socialise, I suggest you leave."

We spun around to look at the owner of the voice. They were wrapped up in a yellow sleeping bag that must have been hard to move in. He looked very tired.

He walked up to the front of the class, well, more wiggled along the ground, and got out of his sleeping bag to stand at the front. "It took you fifteen seconds to quiet down. Time is precious in this school, you do not have time to waste. I am Shota Aizawa, call me Aizawa-sensei or Mr Aizawa. Put on your working uniform and meet me on the field."

AIzawa-sensei gave no room for questioning. I couldn't help but wonder what we were doing. I knew every specialist there was, mainly from studying for the test, but he felt unfamiliar. I felt like I knew him but couldn't put my finger on it.

By the time we got back round to the field, Mr Aizawa did not look pleased. We probably took too long.

On the field there was a series of different tools, stages, clothes and work stations. "This is what is going to happen. You will all be given a topic and hour on each station. You will be ranked, from best to worst. Think of this as a theatre skills test."

I smiled excitedly, this was going to be fun. It seemed that the other students seemed to share my excitement as they cheered. However that did not seem like the right thing to do.

Mr Aizawa seemed to get angry that we were taking this as a joke. "If you think this is a joke. How about this? Last place gets expelled."

I noticed Kacchan rolling his eyes when the students cried out, saying that it was unfair. It wasn't unfair, it was karma.

Mr Aizawa gave us each a station. First, where I sat, was a drawing station. We had paper and pencils and other kinds of drawing supplies to use. There were three others with me, a boy with styled blond hair, a girl with pink hair and skin and a girl with long green hair. Next to us, where Kacchan was standing, was a mini forge and piles of metal.

Iida stood next to the wood station, different tools available for use. A girl with short brown hair stood by a clay station, many different sculpting tools laid out on the table. A tall boy with short blond hair was seated by a plastic section.

After that, was an electronics station with different hydraulics placed on the floor, a boy with yellow hair and a black lighting bolt painted in it. Then, a boy with red hair stood next to a fabric station, looking slightly unsure of what to do. In the next section there was a series of different instruments and paper. Two people stood by them, a boy with a rock like mask on and a strong looking boy with brown hair.

A boy with silver grey hair and a mask covering his lower face stood by a computer, different programming softwares up and ready. The girl who I had been drawing earlier stood by three different models, made up stacked behind her. By her side, a boy with black hair and Sellotape stuck on his skin, stood looking at a camera.

A boy with a bird mask on stood with the boy who I had tried to draw earlier both stood by a collection of scripts. A girl with brown hair, who I recognised from the entrance exam as Touro Hagakure, and a small boy with purple hair pulled into ball-like shapes both stood by a speaker with a tablet on top of them.

Lastly, a girl with black hair pulled into a high ponytail and a girl who I could never forget as Mei Hatsume both stood by a few harnesses and fake weapons, two supervisors standing by them.

"Prepare yourself, start, now

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