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"Good morning everyone! And welcome to this year's spectacle! The best of actors, musicians, designers, makeup artists, electricians, stunt coordinators, producers, directors, camera people and script writers are all here to perform for you!" Present mic took in heavy breaths, panting after reciting the quite frankly ridiculous list. 

"You forgot dancers," Aizawa-sensei pointed out without thinking.

"No I didn't.... shut up." We didn't have to look at him to know he was slouching and most likely pouting. 

"This feels so weird, after what just happened," Uraraka muttered, fiddling with her fingers. She sat a little away from me in our box, we were watching the stage in the middle of the arena. Uraraka, like most the class, was completely unharmed apart from a few bruises and scraped knees but that didn't mean she was unaffected. 

"You're telling us," Kirishima muttered, his arm was still in a sling and mainly immobile. 

I let out a small giggle from his comment before groaning a little as pain shot through my head. I've had this stupid headache for the majourity of the day and nothing I do will get rid of it. All the injured students, Kirishima, Tsu, Yao-momo, Jiro, Kaminari and I, have been restricted over what we can do today. Most of us have our own lists of things we can do depending on the injuries.

I was the most restricted person in the class, after all, I can only use half my body and arms.

"Right," Sero said, snapping me out of my thoughts, "how's your shoulder?"

Kirishima rolled his shoulder, hissing a little before smiling. "It's better than yesterday!"

"How do you think this is going to work? With you guys injured and all," Mina asked while waving her hands around vaguely.

"It should work normally," I started with a smile. "As Aizawa explained earlier, there is a hall for each year where two pieces of our work will be on display- one drawing and one thing we have produced. Then everyone will be given a timed slot to perform anything of our choosing." 

"Yeah, this year we just not allowed to dance or move around too much," Kaminari finished explaining while stretching out his limbs. 

"I don't think many of us dance anyway," Sero stated, missing the many insulted looks coming from some of the class. 

Shaking my head, I listened to the rest of Present Mic's speech. "But first up, performing for U.A's class 1-A, it is Yuga Aoyama!"

Aoyama walked out into the field, looking a little nervous as the first person performing. He took in a deep breath before starting. He came on in full drag- looking amazing- and sang while moving around the stage. He managed to sing much better than any of us expected and actually had an amazing voice. 

The crowds clapped and cheered for him as he was judged. Midnight was judging him on his appearance, Cementoss was judging the use of the stage and movements, Ectoplasm was judging him on his skills used and All Might was there to judge the overall performance. The total we can score is forty points- ten from each teacher.

Aoyama scored 24 points in total. 

This continued for a very long time, Mina did a break dancing scene while using a skateboard. Tsu did some acrobats and gymnastics. Iida did some acting, using powerful movements. Uraraka performed a scene from a play about breaking rules while Ojiro and Kirishima did some stunts together- forcing around material arts while also using Kirishima's bandaged shoulder as a plot point. 

Kaminari played the electric guitar- performing a song from a musical along with Jiro who sang the lyrics. Koda used a falcon he had trained to play out a scene from the start of the movie 'Kingless Land'. Sato did some stunts with Shoji before Sero did some break dancing. Tokoyami acted out a scene before Todoroki went on.

Todoroki looked a bit annoyed, his eyes were angry but he acted out the scene anyway. I wonder why he was angry. That anger however, took away some of his points, getting 37 points rather than the perfect 40 we all knew he could get.

Hagakure performed a brilliant scene from a play about magic where she had to perform different quite extravagant magic tricks before finally disappearing off the stage. 

Kacchan was up next, who like expected, performed a scene from one of the plays we used to watch. He performed a love scene- that was quite a shock. I couldn't help but laugh when he kept looking up to the stands, at someone who sadly from this angle, I could not identify. 

I was meant to perform next. I was taking deep breaths, trying to calm my nerves. Kacchan passed me on his way back, whispering reassurance into my ear. 

Slowly, very slowly, I walked out into the arena. I could hear Kirishima and Ika cheering louder than the others. 

When I walked onto the stage I had to take a few more breaths to keep myself calm. The scene I was performing was simple but emotional. And with the right amount of moving and actions, it was powerful. 

Yaoyorozu went after me, passing me on the way out. She stood in the centre of the room and played her violin, dancing around the room while playing each note.

Mei was next up. She wasn't one to miss an opportunity and did some stunts with the help of her usual griffin and new animatronic, an eagle. How she got said eagle capable of flying we probably will never know. 

It was Midnight who spoke first, "next up, would have been Minouri Mineta, but as many of you will know, he died during the terrorist attack on our class."

"It was a great tradidy, but we will not let those who think they can control us, win. Our next performance is one from the teachers at U.A and is dedicated to our fallen actor, student and friend," Nezu explained as the many adults walked onto the stage.

Suddenly, a dome appeared above the heads of the crowds, immersing us in darkness. A soft guitar could be heard as yellow lights lit up Present Mic's face who played the quiet instrument. A vibrant yellow spot light shined down on All Might. He was dressed in a yellow suit that seemed oddly perfect on his frame. 

Slowly, he started to sing. He was not the best singer but he wasn't awful. "The parachutes in my bag, I'm throwing it over to you. The parachutes in your hands, but don't ask me what to do."

"The poppies are in the field, but don't ask me what that means." Midnight walked out, a purple light on her. She had a long purple dress on, poppies dotted around her. "The poppies are in the field, but don't ask me what that means."

Different spot lights came down on the teachers, showing all of them in a circle facing the crowd. They sang together. "I wait around. I wait around."

The lights went again, only Thirteen's staying lit. "I see a change in you. Can you see the change in me? But I can't explain it all, I can't explain what I feel."

"Comics insult, you said, but comics are all I read," Nezu sang, "comics insult, you said, but comics are all I read."

"I wait around. I wait around," the lights turned on again showing the teachers. "I wait around. I wait around. Wait around."

"I see a change in you, can you see a change in me?" All Might was alone again, walking towards Midnight and taking a poppy out the ground. "But I can't explain at all. I can't explain what I feel."

"The poppies are in the field, but don't ask me what that means," Midnight sang, taking the poppy from All Might. "The poppies are in the field, but don't ask me what that means."

"I wait around. I wait around. Wait around."

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