Why Would You Do That

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                        Elijah's POV:
She looks up at me and smiles. I smile back. "Hey Elijah we should get back to our hotel." Ethan says. He always ruins the moment. "Yeah we should" I say. He looks at Y/F/N "What hotel are you staying at?" Y/F/N smiles. Sunshine hotel"(not a real hotel). "You're kidding me and Elijah to." I look at Y/N "want a ride? " She looks at Y/F/N and Y/F/N nods. She looks back at me. "Yes please." We get into the car and I drive. Y/N is asleep and Ethan and Y/F/N and whispering in the back seat. Y/F/N leans forward.
                         Y/N POV
I'm pretending to be asleep. I don't like car rides and I usually pretend to be asleep Y/F/N knows that and is, I think, trying to make Elijah crack.
"So Elijah," she says "What'd ya think of Y/N?" he replies "She's cool." Ethan laughs. "She doesn't mean like that. She means do you like her!" I try not to open my eyes. "I mean..I don't know... Maybe she's really beautiful and. Why are you asking me these?" I try not to blush. So he might like me. No way. Elijah. Peter. Best. Might like me?! Ethan laughs again, "chill it's not like she can hear you or anything!" Elijah goes to talk. Y/F/N cuts him off "Um, Ethan, she can hear you.."What why is she saying that?! Elijah stops the car." I'm such an idiot. " I hear a car door open and Ethan shout wait. I snap awake. Y/F/N looks at me" Y/N I'm sorry-" I interrupt" Y/F/N don't be sorry. I shouldn't have pretended. I'm going to find Elijah. " I grab my phone and get out of the car. Y/F/N gets out to." I'm coming to. What way did they go?"  I have no idea." wait Ethan and Elijah went different ways I think"Y/F/N says. She points "Go that way Elijah went that way. Ethan went up the hill I'll go find him!"
                        Elijah's POV
I'm so stupid. Why wouldn't she be awake. Is that something most girls do? This isn't the first time a girl has screwed me over. I don't know where I'm going but I just keep running and running. I don't want Ethan to find me.. Or Y/N. I don't know where I am but everything is dark and I can't see. I just keep running and running.
                      Ethan''s POV
I need to find Elijah. He headed towards the woods. I take a shortcut over the hill. I see him running. He has half sad tears half angry tears down his face. When he's like that he wants to be alone. I know that. I go into a gas station and buy some sour patch kids. Those have always been his favorite.

                        Y/F/N POV
I run over the hill. I hope Y/N finds Elijah. I'm so dumb. Why couldn't I keep my mouth shut.. Why was I so stupid. Maybe I don't deserve friends like her.. I definitely don't. I don't deserve any of this, Ethan, her anything. I begin to cry. I need to stop running. I see a gas station ahead and fall onto a bench. Ethan walks out and I pull my hood up. I don't want him to see me cry. He looks at the bench and begins to walk over. I turn away. "Y/F/N?" He sits next to me and I turn and hug him. It feels so good to hug him

                        Y/N POV
You run in the direction Y/F/N said. You used to do cross country so you're pretty fast. You  run and are plunged into darkness, a forest. You keep running untill you're completely lost. so scared.  lost. You just continue to run. You hear soft crying. You've found him. He's in front of me with his head in his hands while he sits on a rock. You creep over and sit beside him. "Elijah?" He looks at you . His eyes are red with tears. " Why Y/N why would you pretend to be asleep to trick me into talking about you?" you fall apart and cry. You hug him. You can't escape it now. "Because, Elijah, I was scared you wouldn't like me" he pulls away. "What?" There's nothing he can do or say that would make you feel any different. " Elijah...". You can barely talk and your words are muffled, " Elijah.. I was afraid you wouldn't feel the way I feel about you.." He looks confused. "Y/N?" He ask. You nod. "Do you mean that?" I cry more, "of corse I do Elijah"
He puts his hand on your face and wipes my tears. You take his hand but he winces and pulls away. "Elijah what's wrong?" you ask confused. He shows you his hand, it's red and bloody. "Elijah did you do that?" you ask. He smiles "Yeah I got mad and punched a tree" "Elijah!" you say, " Why would you do that to yourself?" He looks at you. "Because Y/N, I thought you were pretending to be asleep to humilate me."

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