Love You Too

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                           Y/N POV
"Can we go outside?" you say looking out of the window as white snowflakes dance in the sky before falling to the floor and merging into a snow blanket. Elijah walks up to you, "Of corse, just put a coat on it's cold." you nod and pull your coat over your arms. Elijah takes your hand and you both walk through the front door. The icey blast of winter morning hits your face and you shiver. "What should we do?" Elijah asks. The memories of when you and Elijah went in the snow come back. "Can we have a snowball fight?"

                        Elijah's POV
"Okay." I say and Y/N squeals in excitement. "Should we ask Ethan and Y/F/N?" Y/N asks and I nod. We both go back inside, "Ethan Y/F/N wanna have a snowball fight?" I yell. They both rush down with coats and gloves on. "Yes!" They both say and hand us a pair of gloves. We put them on and go back outside.

"We need to do teams." Ethan says. I look at Y/N and she looks at me smiling. "Who wants to be on whose team?" Ethan ask. "Elijah's team!" Y/N says running to me. Ethan laughs and Y/F/N smirks, "What if I was on Y/N's team, ya know, girls vs boys." I frown but smile again, "Okay." I go over to Ethan and Y/N and Y/F/N run away. "What's the plan?" I ask and Ethan smiles. "Well let's start by making snowballs." Ethan says and we both get on our hands and knees and make snowballs.

                         Y/N POV
"Right we need to make snowballs." you say, beginning to make a snowball. "Okay!" Y/F/N copies you. "Then we can just throw them at Ethan and Elijah!" Y/F/N laughs. You nod.

                        Elijah's POV
"We're ready!" I say looking at the snowball pile we've created. Ethan takes some and I grab the rest. "Sneak up on them!" Ethan whisper-shouts. We creep up and see Y/N and Y/F/N still making them. I lauch one and it hits Y/N on the back of the head. She turns around, holding a large group of them and starts throwing them at us. We do the same. One of them hits her face and I burst out laughing and so does she. Ethan rushes over to see if she is okay. I can tell she is fine but still walk over to her. "That has to be a fowl!" she laughs and Y/F/N nods her head. "Fine, what do you want?" Ethan says. She smiles, "I want to switch teams." she looks at me, "Elijah's on my team now!" I walk over to her and hug her. Y/F/N smiles at Y/N and mouths thank you before running to Ethan and hugging him.

"So are we changing our plan or what?" I ask. "I'm down for anything really!" she says laughing. "We could just make snowballs and hide them somewhere so they think we have less?" I suggest and she smiles, "Yes!I'll go look for somewhere to hide them!" she runs off. I make snowballs until she comes back, "There is a rock over there we can hide them behind it!" I nod and we take half of the snowballs and hide them. She looks back at me, her rosey cheeks standing out against her pale skin. "You cold?" I ask noticing her shivering. "A little, I'll live." she says making more snowballs. "You want me to get you anything. I could grab you a hat?" I ask and she smiles. "A hat would be pretty nice I'll go get it."she gets up,"No I'll go get it, I need to go inside for a drink anyways." I say. She walks up to me and kisses my cold cheeks, "You're a life saver, literally." she laughs.

                        Y/N POV
You make more snowballs while Elijah goes inside. The air is bitter and cold but has a feeling of warmth and safety. You tuck the snowballs behind the rock. Elijah comes back out from the house holding a hat. "Here you go!" he hands it to you and you put it on, "Thank you Elijah!" you pull him into a hug and he hugs you back. "Shall we go fight them now?" you ask and he shakes his head, "Not yet, I'm enjoying this for now." you smile and do the same, enjoy the moment.

"We should go fight now."he says and you nod. You both grab some snowballs and run behind Ethan and Y/F/N."Hey losers!" you laugh, "Take that!" you throw one at them. "Hey, no one hits my girlfriend!" Ethan says grabbing a handful of snowballs and throwing them all at you. "Hey!" Elijah says, taking some snowballs and throwing them at Ethan, "Nobody touches my girlfriend and gets away with it!" he throws them at Ethan and rushes to you, "You good?" he says giving you his hand and pulling you up. "I couldn't be better!" you giggle. He smiles, "Well let's beat these losers!" he says and you both laugh.

                         Elijah's POV
We both take the last of our snowballs that are in plain sight and throw them all at Ethan and Y/F/N. "Ha you guys ran out!" they both laugh. "No we didn't!" Y/N shouts bending behind the rock and grabbing the hidden snowballs. Ethan gasp and Y/F/N laughs. She hands me a clump, "Let's do this!" we begin to throw them. "Alright! Alright! We surrender." Ethan and Y/F/N say holding their hands up. Y/N looks down at the handful of snowballs she has left. I look at mine. "Shall we just throw these anyway?" I ask and she smiles, "You read my mind!". We throw them all at Ethan and Y/F/N.

Y/N looks at me, her cheeks are scarlet red and her hair is covered in snow flakes. I walk over to her and she puts her hands around my neck. I rest my hands on her waist. "Y/FML/N (your first, middle, last name) I love you." "Elijah Peter Best I love you too.

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